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Posts posted by Molinko

  1. Here's a little demo to get you started.. But, the warning I received using this method is that it's an 'internal' method and so subject to possible change in the future. Just FYI.

    local process = require "process"
    local term = require "term"
    local function window(program, dx, dy, width, height)
      local _window = term.internal.open(dx, dy, width, height) -- # Create a new window
      term.bind(term.gpu(), _window)                            -- # derp
      process.info().data.window = _window                      -- # Get current process, tack _window unto ...data.window
      os.execute(program)                                       -- # exec program as child process. It inherits our term window via process magic*
      term.clear()                                              -- # clean your fuckin' room
    window('/bin/dmesg.lua', 10, 5, 65, 20)	-- # Do the dew

    Let me know if this need clarification. I'll try to help :) 

  2. That library part is for delay loading and shouldn't be something you need to touch. Just require the keyboard library like normal. To check for key presses other than printable chars use keyboard.isControl(char:number)  or catch the key event and compare char codes with entries in the keyboard.keys table.

  3. This is working great, although I have some questions. I have read the docs, man, and readme files.

    Is there a way to route the LAN traffic of a local Relay with a Linked card to a server with the matching linked card?

    This is the current network diagram.

    c1---r1--c2         c:computer#n, --:wired connection, r1:relay(with link to s1)

    s1--back--s2     s1 wired via internal 'back' bus to s2 (s1 has link to r1 | s2 has link to r2)('link' is a linked card)

    c3--r2--c4          c:computer#n, --:wired, r2:relay (with link to s2)

    I hope my diagram makes sense. Am I routing all wrong? Does minitel just not support routing via linked cards? Or is it just Links via switches? I'm a bit lost :)

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  4. @RGB_Leader You can try this program from the forums by @Nexarius. You can download it from pastebin or github using an internet card and the pastebin or wget program. This has worked for me in the past although I cant speak as to how far back compatibility will be possible. Anywho, it's worth a shot as I have had similar issues before with a version of OpenOS not having the thread library and this worked great for me. Good luck :) 

  5. The problem with your code on the left is that you never define the value of the variable 'message', so when you try to print it you get 'nil' which in lua is a value for nothing. When calling the function event.pull you must capture the return values and store them for use at a later point in the program such as printing or whatever. Here's an example.

    -- # your code above. this is just in the loop
    while true do
      -- # event.pull 'modem_message' return multiple values the fifth being the message data.
      local laddress, saddress, port, dist, message = event.pull("modem_message")
      if message == "test" then

    Hope this helps. Feel free to ask anymore questions :) 

  6. Threads are just fancy coroutines. This means that they still have to obey and yield like any other process, coroutine, or block of code. All blocks must yield or finish execution in a 5 seconds or they are terminated. Looking into your code as it's arranged now I would suggest yielding once or perhaps several times throughout the checkDmg function depending on the drawing performance. Here would be my two suggested alterations..

    function checkDmg()
      local dmg=0
      for i=1,li-1,1 do
        if inv.getStackInSlot(2,lzhs[i][3]) then
      local r
      for i=1,ri-1,1 do
        if r and not string.match(r.label,"Depleted") then
      for i=1,vi-1,1 do
        if inv.getStackInSlot(2,vents[i][3]) then
      while true do
        os.sleep(0) --# sleep will yield this process/thread and resume asap allowing the 'following block' to begin execution.
    end) -- # no need to detach unless you really want this to continue after your program is dead..
    -- # the 'folowing block'
    print "Now executing main block..."
    while true do
      local _continue = handleEvent(event.pull())
      -- # do shit

    The first example yields the 'td' thread once for every cycle of each inner loop. Mostly because of the drawing and the inv component calls. This costs time! So we yield and allow the event loop below to begin. This is my recommended solution although untested. The second example will yield the 'td' thread once after each call to checkDmg. This could work fine but I suspect the first option will perform better / be more responsive to events.

    Lemme know how it goes and if I can help anymore.

  7. The OpenOS operating system is itself a program. It needs ram too. It's the most complex program likely to be running on most OC computers. Also, it's a program that runs and controls 0 or more programs, so it uses a bit of ram. However things like the microcontroller don't load an operating system and so 1 tier 1 stick is usually quite enough for most things.

  8. It could perhaps be an out of memory error? The getting started tutorial says to use a 1 tier 1 memory stick. Though technically OpenOS has been optimized to run on one it could help to add more memory to the computer. If I'm going to be able to continue to be any help I'm going to need an error message or at least some pictures to let me know where to start looking.

  9. @payonel Howdy! About the term lib documentation; I was specifically referring to the doc for term.bind. The optional [screen & keyboard] parameters suggested in the doc dont seem to have an actual implementation in the current OpenOS( although at the time of this response i havent bothered to double check that. Just referring to previous hair pulling encounters ). Ill add a ticket tomorrow if I dont totally space.

    You did warn me about messing with anything under the .internal space of an OpenOS lib, but I like dancing on sharp edges :P . Love what you're doing with the place too! (OpenOS)

    Third. Yup. I want a full tty pty abstraction layer for programs but after looking into how to pull it off myself I figured I'd wait for you to do it :P , lol.

    8 hours ago, payonel said:

    The idea is this: term doesn't bind to a gpu, and tty doesn't bind to a gpu, the PROCESS is bound to a gpu.

    This is definitely illuminating for me as, for me at least, this wasn't straight forward to grok just peeping the source. Thanks for that. OpenOS is my first use of any linux like OS arch and I'm learning a lot.

    I really like the dev system. I want to learn to exploit it a lot more. That example is actually the first use i've personally thought of for it and that only happened because looping several type of components and binding screens, gpus, and keyboards can be quite tedious :) .

    Thanks for the input. Always a pleasure.

  10. If you had installed then this shouldn't be your issue as (newer versions of) OpenOS caches the boot drive in the eeprom upon installation. Successive boots should boot from the hdd with the os installed. Though the fact that the autostock program itself is running from /tmp and looking for the config in the /autostock dir, which is in root dir (barf), is a sign of either improper installation or perhaps just poor software quality in the port to OC. Preferably user level programs should be installed somewhere above /home or /usr or even /home/usr. Likewise their libraries or configs probably shouldn't be in the root folder. If you're still having issues later then hit me back up here(this thread or PM), and you can walk me through how you're installing the program.. good luck bud

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