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Everything posted by Molinko

  1. Wobbo makes a point. Lua has no real parallelism. But, post some code. I like seeing what others are making
  2. Pedrosgali is right! That is the best part about coding. No one way to achieve functionality! In that regard the above post of mine was a half assed quick and dirty approach. I should've posted something more in depth for support.
  3. I dont know all the function names for the mffs miner but this pseudo code should be close enough for you to get the gist of it. local m = component["mffs_miner??"] -- mffs miner thingy here.. local keys = { -- w is the key you want bound to this function w = function( ... ) return m.forward() -- miner relevant direction per key press here end, s = function( ... ) return m.backwards() -- same as above but for key 's' end, -- etc... } while true do local event = {event.pull()} if event[1] == "key_down" and keys[event[2]] then -- if key press and key is a re
  4. Molinko


    This is beautiful. I'm going to play with this asap
  5. Question: Are you placing the exact same robot 3 times in the same world? If so, that may be causing weird errors to occur.
  6. http://ocdoc.cil.li/crossmod_interoperation On the wiki it says that although the list may not be updated or fully accurate, Gregtech doesn't seem to be supported by openComputers / openComponents.
  7. Try iterating over all of the sides. Maybe its a bug or brain fart. -- ## where 'c' is the component for k,v in pairs( sides ) do print( "side:", k, "energy:", c.getEnergyStored( v ) ) end
  8. Thanks for the reply. I was messing around in creative and found the besh disk. What I was way more curious about t how is something like that used and what is a decent example use case? Could one use it for say logging errors to a file or what?
  9. If you can post your current, if any, code and any / all error msgs you have received id be happy to help.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alEiZFmPNP0 I saw, in the video above, that the openOS shell supported pipes, streams, and io redirection. Now Im not sure what the heck all that is but it sounds and looked so useful. Could somebody maybe point me to a good reference on how to use these capabilities or maybe explain like im five, but have been using lua for a year.. I've dabbled in most of the data type of lua and know em alright but I'm a total linux/unix noob and could use a hand understanding how and why someone would use this stuff(pipes n such). Thanks for any help in advance. - F
  11. I haven't added WAILA back in since i updated to 1.3.4 but i was struggling to find out what was crashing me while making a 1.7 pack until i realized that whenever I placed a screen I crashed. Then I realized after dumping mod after mod to compare compatibility with OC, it was WAILA popping up as soon as I placed a screen and failing to look up the block correctly, or some such error.
  12. Aha. I see you're hard at work on your very own solution! Allow me to give a tip or 5 Today we'll talk a little about OOP or Object Oriented Programming. Now, in lua, OOP is a little different than in other more popular OOP languages such as JAVA. So for you guys out there who would say lua doesnt have oop... You probably know better than me. With that said lets learn some stuff about simulating OOP in lua. First off there are tables. myTable = {}. In lua tables are used as objects because every table created is unique. Not table references though. i.e. myTableA = myTable, this is re
  13. Ah don't be harsh on yourself. It was a good little exercise for you to port im sure. Its a great way to improve your understanding of lua. A few months back and that woulda confused the crap out of me too. I would recommend looking into the lua pil (programming in lua). If you need any more help or have questions just ask.
  14. Mine was working fine. Do you have WAILA? That was crashing me whenever I placed a screen even in 1.3.3
  15. Sangar you sneaky bastard!! There is a very subtle yet powerful addition in the 1.3.4 update! check spoiler below > Sangar I think I love you. Have my children, or at least keep up the good work
  16. I've noticed that the hard drive is constantly writing. Also you have to set the right/large enough resolution for the game to load properly or you just get stuck in some weird spammy draw loop. I'm not sure but I think the event loop is being spammed in the background and I think this is leading to alot of lag on button presses and overall responsiveness. But, I freakin' love the gui and the game looks like it will be great! Great job so far mang.
  17. I could give you a few tips and critiques if you're up for it. First of good job. It needs some real work to be any good with open computers though. I understand the want for a familiar api from computercraft venturing into OC, but it's just very poorly optimized for OC. For instance: Check out this page for some more component functions like gpu.fill() and such. I hope this helps. Feel free to add it into the existing code for a quicker drawing update! Any questions are welcome
  18. This is pretty nice. I was just making this until i saw yours. I think i'll still finish mine though. good job
  19. Molinko

    NDN networking

    http://named-data.net/project/archoverview/ An interesting read on a new network protocol called NDN. Check it out. I think it could be handy for a OC networking architecture if it were made even simpler. What do you guys think. I'm a total network noob but iIhave been researching IP and routing protocols for the last few days so this was a nice palette cleanser from the( hellish, i think) state of IP and current routing protocol of IP packets. Please, share dem thoughts.
  20. I fixed my issue above. It was missing : function testfunc( ... ) print( table.unpack({ ... }) ) -- this was the issue not the listener end I imagine event.pull() is called automatically when using event.listen( event, callback ). Event listeners will even persist outside of their parent program. Handy for stuff like apis signalling sister programs from the background. Thanks for the reply.
  21. Nice way to drop / lock the shell, then boot your own. nice and pretty simple in the end
  22. -- Fixed: I was le tired.... I'm kinda new to OC just moved over from cc and I'm loving the mod!! I was curious if someone who knows how event.listen handles its callback function? I tried to make a simple wireless network port listener just for testing and to my avail i couldnt get it to work the way i intended... Example below: local component = require "component" local event = require "event" local modem = component.modem modem.open( 1 ) ## I was assuming that event.listen would feed the signal/event with its parameters ## to the callback function.. reason why not? I'm no pro b
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