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Everything posted by TetraSource

  1. Thanks for the effort @BrisingrAerowing . I've just integrated your changes with minor changes and bugfixes on my part into the repo and updated the pastebin file. In order to distinguish it from the old version, I also moved Bundle to version v1.1.
  2. Hello everybody! I just finished the work on Moon, a library for Lua 5.3 that provides a class system along with the corresponding functions inspired by the one of Python. It supports multiple inheritance by using a MRO, operator overloading, properties and metaclasses. However, it is rather optimized on flexibility than performance since creating a lightweight class system ought not to be troublesome in Lua. I recommend just using it when you already know what OOP means in general but not necessarily in Python. I included an introduction of the concepts that are not present in the m
  3. Perhaps gpu.bind(address, false) does what need. Otherwise it might be an option to let just one library handle the graphics stuff if I understand your problem corretly.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that. However, I need some more pieces of infomation in order to help you. Could you send me your version of Lua and OpenOS on your Minecraft Computer and a step-by-step description how you set the system up, please? An error message or a screenshot would be helpful, too.
  5. I just finished the first version of bundle - a rc application which virtually merges multiple filesystems into a bigger one. You can use it whenever a RAID full of tier 3 HDD isn't enough for your needs. On the picture above, for example, you can see 10 RAIDs with 30 tier 3 HDDs which yield a virtual HDD that can store over 200MB of data. You can also use filesystems of different size and create files bigger than any of the used filesystems since bundle is capable of storing a file on multiple HDDs. If you encounter any bug, please report it on my github repository. Also check out the wi
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