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Everything posted by XyFreak

  1. The controller is working as intended for you. On default settings the containment field stabilizes around 20%. I WILL make a youtube video because many ppl have trouble setting it up correctly it seems. Anyways - your setup seems to work fine. Do NOT worry about the temperature as long as it is not above 9000. The default settings are going to throttle the reactors output between 8000 -> 9000 C (= it's adjusting the target saturation from 50% to 90%) between 9000 and 9900 the output rate will be reduced from 100% to 0%. Anything above 9900 will trigger an immediate shutdown (although
  2. Sounds like it never gets out of calibration. Does it say anything in the reactor+turbine overview?
  3. Also: NEWS! As you propably noticed, I got really lazy "lately". I'm going to kinda force myself to finally (FINALLY!!!) get the new version done this weekend. It's about time!
  4. Can you please check whether the turbines get enough steam regardless? (The turbines steam input tank should not be empty). Just to make sure. SLOW SPINUP means each turbine gets 2000mB/t with inductors engaged. This program does not support display-only-mode. It propably never will, sorry. The controller requires you to put all reactors on the same "steam network" so your setup can't work. If the turbines internal capacitor is not empty, the turbines should be at full speed at all times. If they're not, your reactors not being on the same network will propably cause this i
  5. The image has been deleted, but I think I know what you mean. It's going to be fixed.
  6. Your first guess is correct. You use "edit /etc/draconic_control.cfg" to create the file and then set up your reactor. The easiest way to do this is by copy&pasting a preset from the website and then put in your adapter addresses where the placeholders are.
  7. No you need to install the operating system first. This is propably also the reason why the installer fails to download the last two parts: You're running Plan 9k from its floppy and there's not enough space on there. I don't know about Plan 9k but for OpenOS you boot the computer using the floppy, execute "install" and reboot the computer afterwards. Now you can download and install anything you like.
  8. This looks like you're running OpenOS from its install floppy.
  9. This usually happens if you don't have enough ram installed in your computer. Just add another dim EDIT: I'm stupid and not reading everything before replying..... Can you try downloading again with OpenOS? EDIT2: There's no two "l"s in the code and its displaying "Tool" for me, not "Tooll"
  10. If your energy buffer is full, this is fine. If all your turbines are drained, this is not (obviously)
  11. Just run the installer again and reboot the computer. If your reactor is currently running, make sure you have some energy buffered, initiate the shutdown, count to 10, reboot your computer and start the controller again. Afterwards you can reactivate the reactor.
  12. Version 1.4.2 has been released! Here's the changelog real quick: Version 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 Reworked shutdown logic (I'm happy now). Implemented containment field surge compensation. Adjusted GUI Health display warning/danger thresholds. Added the ability to have the controller automatically start a reactor once it finished charging. Quick breakdown: The shutdown logic will now shut down the reactors earlier (and not fall back to the temperature failsafe) which should reduce the time reactors take to shut down. I've noticed that server lags or sudden changes in reac
  13. You can right click on the bars of the turbines (or reactors) and a detailed view of the turbine (or reactor) will pop up. There's an "on/off" button at the bottom.
  14. Can you try to turn off/on each turbine with the gui?
  15. That's... an amazing build right there. If the command doesn't output anything, that's good I guess you've tried restarting the program? Same effect?
  16. Also - I've been messing around with breeder reactor types. I'll be releasing an update tomorrow as well as a "new" set of presets for when you need to bring a bit more chaos into this world without fighting the chaos guardian How does 1 chaos shard per day per reactor sound? You juuuust need some balls if you ever want to open the GUI: Also - if brandon ever reads this: Can we please double the ammount of fuel that can be placed inside the reactor without changing anything else? Please? xD draconic_simulator fuel=144 drainback=1.1 panic_temp_base=10000 throttle_temp=
  17. The End already has handy little islands floating around EDIT: Also - there's no ground to worry about
  18. Can you show me how your turbines are built? 28K RF/t while at....what? 900RPM looks interesting. >_> It also looks like the coils are engaged while in KICKOFF-mode which should NOT happen. There is also a possibility that the controller core loop errors out. Can you do a quick "brgcctrl service turbine runOnce" and see if that errors?
  19. It does. Though while the actual fuel based shutoff logic never kicks in, the temperature based failsafe will. So you're good to just leave it run.
  20. Clicking on the title of the program will terminate it ("Draconic Control v1.41 by XyFreak" <- click on that)
  21. Yep my SSL certificate expired last night and I only got around installing a new one just now. There are two (and a half) presets on the website. If you like to experiment yourself, there's also a simulation program that runs an entire reactor cycle in a few seconds. If you blow your reactor with the default presets, something about your setup is wrong.
  22. Thats the same bug that blew my draconic reactor. It's either an OpenComputers bug or an ender io bug. are you using ender io conduits? If so try replacing those with regular cables. If not that's a nasty open computers bug then. My workaround is to increase the computer startup time in the server config to 2.5 seconds (from 0.25) and use servers with 2x tier 3 component cards. Good to hear Edit: The network remote feature is most likely not going to happen. For progress on the energy storage thingy: check my twitter (@XyFreak1)
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