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Everything posted by Wuerfel_21

  1. Could you try with optifine, it sometimes fixes wierdness
  2. Wuerfel_21

    Port list

    derp, did post 2 times
  3. Wuerfel_21

    Port list

    Thats for real world ports, minecraft ports work different(a message contains just sender address, port and payload), and we have unpridictable addresses for computers, SUPER slow switches and veeery crappy wirless networks. I would like to keep this a bit seperate, besides the fact that they will never communicate with "real programs", if someone wants to reimplement something, it could use a different port. My program(you could say its a protocol, cause you may have to write your own server for what you want to do) isnt even finished, just have written the default server(which can run on j
  4. Cant really say, the screenshots are jpg, so i cant see much, but it seems like it is extending over the screen area(i cant see anything, please upload a png version) btw, why isnt the gui centered? Oh, and remember: NEVER EVER use jpg if you can use png or bmp
  5. Screenshots please, otherwise helping you wont be easy...
  6. (Sarcastic)Thanks for answering to a old thread! you change the size of the text by decreasing the resolution(and set the gui scale in minecraft options higher) And no you cant change the resolution without changing the shell size(what a noob question)
  7. Wuerfel_21

    Port list

    I haven't found any list, and to avoid our programs battleing eachother with unrelated stuff, I make this list: 1-32: user programs 42: WsarE(Wuerfel_21) 53: reserved for dns(JoshTheEnder) 60: FTP (ShadowKatStudios) 61: FTP (ShadowKatStudios) 63: telnet (ShadowKatStudios) 65: SMTP (ShadowKatStudios) 101: reserved for (ShadowKatStudios) 109: POP(ShadowKatStudios) 110: POP(ShadowKatStudios) 125: SFTP(ShadowKatStudios) 9001: generally reserved, might give it away someday... 9261: SNL(Wuerfel_21)(sns stands for service name lookup) If you want me to add your program or reserve some p
  8. Underped Multiblock-screens
  9. Screens are now supported!
  10. Thanks, fixed(The Fans are so nice to look at!) Looking into screens soon. In the meanwhile try out holograms
  11. Well, hmm, lets play an endless forum game! Rules: You post a sign that you are addicted to OC, with the next nuber like: 9001: You do this or have this are this, whatever (When the one before was number 9000) So, lets begin: 1: You express large numbers with math.huge
  12. Woody Computers organic - crappy - wooden Here is the First ResPack deigned around OC: Woody Computers! I makes stuff woody, duh! Download: WoodyComputers.zip
  13. Ever wanted to have a quick way to make a autorun? Take AutoMount!

  14. Floppys in CC are in /disk[number] Floppys and stuff in OC are in /mnt/[addres]
  15. Ahem, just noticed the aliases seem to be broken, after installing just run "edit -r /usr/lib/noteal/read.me" instead of "notehelp"!!!! And "/usr/lib/noteconf" instead of "noteconf" That bug is going to be fixed soon(before hl3 comes out) Cause when someones looking for an api he looks here first, i make dedicared, more developer oriented thread for it here! So NoteAL is a api which enables consistent Noteblock configuration across all supporting programs, and yours could be the next! Features: -Computronics iron-noteblock support! (i highly recommend you to use computronics!) -conig
  16. Fresh Programs!

  17. Writing a quick blurb, here is it: My derpy collection of programs! Download them here: https://github.com/Wuerfel21/Wuerfel_21-s-OC-Toolkit Some small descriptions(hint: read the manpages) OcPiano - play piano using your crappy-pc-speaker, a noteblock, or noteAL! floppypirate - Arrr, pirate floppys easy! NoteAL - a libarary to manage your stereo noteblock-rig easy! Works with Computronics ironnoteblocks too! - Has a own thread now: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/117-noteal AutoMount - Finally saves you from making autoruns yourself! wsare_srv - a plug-in capable WsarE server... wsare
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