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Found 5 results

  1. hello! i just made this irc client for DALNET that works for opencomputers! it's completely written on lua and it's not irssi compatible! it's text only but It's quite easy to use! By doing :helpoc! to chat, you just press ctrl and to do commands just do alt! to use this IRC client, you need to do pastebin run e1bQJEFa or pastebin get e1bQJEFa OCDALNET.lua Source Code Is at https://pastebin.com/e1bQJEFa
  2. There was no IRC library for OpenComputers, so I've made one. Here's a demo bot that uses it: local com = require("component") local event = require("event") local thread = require("thread") local gpu = com.gpu local irc = require("irc") local events = irc.events local env = setmetatable({ irc = irc, events = events, }, {__index = _G}) local client = irc.builder() :connection { host = "irc.esper.net:6667", throttling = { maxDelay = 2, maxThroughput = 5, }, } :auth { nickname = "oc-finger-irc", username = "fingercomp", realname = "OpenComput
  3. Lizzian

    IRC Webchat

    Since we don't have an easy way to create custom pages, welcome to the IRC Webchat page! If you find issues with it please make a post in the feedback subforum!
  4. I noticed a bug about the IRC client on the issue tracker stating that not all users were listed. I looked at the client itself, but couldn't see why that would be. Anyways, I noticed that the client seemed to be homebrewed, and was wondering if using an available third-party one would fix any issues. I located only one pure-lua IRC parser system, called Lua-Irc-Engine. I can port the official OpenOS IRC client to use it and see if any issues are fixed, if you want. Actually, I may just do it now and see what happens.
  5. I've decided to post the logs from third person hour on the forums. This is #oc's grand tradition, and it might have even been going on for a full month by now! [02:01] <PsychokenesisKat> Such a grand tradition we have created. [02:01] <DeanIsaCat> ^ [02:01] * Vexatos likes Traditions [02:02] <DeanIsaCat> No other channel has this [02:02] <DeanIsaCat> we are legion [02:02] <DeanIsaCat> we do not forget
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