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About houseofkraft

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    Junior Member

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  1. Hi, I was wondering how to make a RAID read-only. I want it to show up 100% full and you can't modify it. I made a lot of RAIDs and I want one of them to contain driver software. That one RAID is only 6MB instead of 12MB and I want that to be read-only. How can I do this?
  2. Whenever I go and do something else in my Minecraft world, still by my computer. After a little while of me doing it my computer crashes with the blue screen. It says 'too long without yielding' or something like that. It gets really annoying sometimes like if i'm running a robbot factory and I make the robot idle for a little while and I don't want it crashing. It would be nice if this was fixed.
  3. Hello, I made an OpenComputers setup and I turn it on and I get a no energy error. We try placing a Creative AE2 Cell and it still says the same error! Thanks!
  4. I know that OpenComputers has 3D Printers. I really like them but what I always wanted is a printer that can print text onto paper. There would be 3 tier's of ink. Black and white, Grayscale, and full color. It will use a simple printing API also. I would be really happy if OC added this! EDIT: It would also be nice if they could print images
  5. Hi Guys! I am wondering how to display the total memory, i know how to display how much memory is free, but not the total memory Thanks! - House
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