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Everything posted by nezd

  1. nezd


    About code compression; The only way I see to remove spaces from code in places like while, function, etc. Any other ideas?
  2. nezd


    OctoTapeFS v0.1 Slowest way to store your files Do you remember this days when your commodore loads software from tape? I don't, i weren't even born when commodore were popular. Well, now you could bring this days back with OctoTapeFS - The slowest way to store your files! Link to pastebin Video Showcase Possible arguments: -h Displays help message --save=path Save file from path to tape -l Loads file from tape --dump=path Save file from tape to path -v Toggle verbosity -f Disable waiting for user input in load TODO: C
  3. Hm. This looks like a bug in OpenOS - cause when i upload this program to EEPROM it works normally
  4. After some fast googling, I find that 116 is F5 key
  5. Maybe something with hash?
  6. Hi! Here is key button receiver code: type, _, char, _ = computer.pullSignal() --Receiving input while true do if type = "key_up" then print(char) end end And here is problem: when I dont touch keyboard it prints 116
  7. What do you mean about sides 4 and 5? There is no code thats moves it to this sides.
  8. Hi!(again) My program for robot(flashed in eeprom) dont work and causes error i typed in topic title. Here is the code: robot = component.proxy(component.list("robot")()) rs = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")()) function getBatteryPercent () local percent = computer.energy() * 100 / computer.maxEnergy() return percent end function wait(seconds) local begin = os.time() repeat computer.pullSignal(0.05) until os.time() - begin >= seconds end while true do robot.turn(true) robot.turn(true) robot.move(1) while robot.compare() ~= true do robot.move(3) i
  9. My code crashes with this reason:too long without yielding. How to fix this? Here is code: red = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")()) local bottom = 0 local back = 2 function wait(seconds) local start = os.time() repeat until os.time() > start + seconds end while true do if red.getInput(bottom) > 0 then wait(50) red.setOutput(back, 15) wait(5) else red.setOutput(back, 0) end end
  10. nezd

    Cant receive messages

    Adress of PC, which i get using analyzer
  11. nezd

    Cant receive messages

    Receiver works only if i replace send to broadcast.
  12. nezd

    Cant receive messages

  13. Here is receiver program: event = require("event") require("component").modem.open(1) function receive () while true do local eventData = { event.pull() } if eventData[1] == "modem_message" then local message = eventData[6] local port = eventData[4] local adress = eventData[3] return message, port, adress end end end while true do local m, p, a = receive() print(p) end And here is sender program: m = require("component").modem print("Type address") adr = io.read() print("Type message") msg = io.read() if m.send(adr, 1, msg) == true then print("Messa
  14. Hi there. My program exits for no reason when function settingsentrence() is called. Here is the code:http://pastebin.com/B2czP4aJ
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