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About MrabEzreb

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    Junior Member

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  1. I am currently working on an operating system (mostly to prove to myself that I can) but have come up against a wall of knowledge. How and where do event handlers registered with event.listen get called? It doesn't seem like it should be the main loop of the OS (or how would you do anything else), but where should it go? EDIT: Asking about how OpenOS does it
  2. I currently have a tier 1 everything, powered by a stirling engine. The stirling engine gets hot and burns out I want to stop that I have a redstone card in the computer, and I thought, "hey, what if I made the computer control it's own engine!" so I tried, and failed, many, many times. Things I have tried: Using an autorun.lua file in the root directory Using a coroutine within said autorun.lua file using RC (the little bit that I could figure out, which was basically nothing) all of these things had the same problem: they run as the main thread, meaning that the computer is unusable wh
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