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Everything posted by tim4242

  1. In Lua the else if statement isn't written as two words but as one: elseif. When you try to use else if like you would elseif it will lead to this error.
  2. I don't know if that is possible for the simple reason: Operating systems are complicated. OSs are made up of a hundred different parts from file management to shells and of course the myriad of helper programs you have to provide. Most of the things you have to do to get it working are not exactly easy and making a step by step guide on them would be really, REALLY long. So a step by step guide, not that possible but a collection of guides for the small pieces that can be done by a active community.
  3. tim4242

    Corrupt a wish

    But some one made a better version already. I wish all big Minecraft mods would update to 1.8/1.9.
  4. To Trebuchette: Output: 2.0 print(tonumber("0xffffffffffffffff"))
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