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How can I store each line of a file in an array in Lua?


Good morning.
I have a problem with an operation to do in the LUA language:
I have a file in which I have stored data, separated by line. I would need to read this file and store every line of this in an array, ignoring the first one.
For example:

array = {line2, line3, etc}

Next, I would also need to compare each of these lines with a string, to check if it is contained, and I would need to know how to do both.
Thanks in advance for the help.

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It's "Lua", not "LUA".

To read an entire file, use something like this:


To split it into lines (I could probably do this better with patterns, but it works):


And, looking at PIL, there's a function called table.remove.

"The table.remove function removes (and returns) an element from a given position in an array, moving down other elements to close space and decrementing the size of the array."

So just call table.remove(lines, 1).

That should get you every line from 2 onwards. You should know how to do the rest.

Molinko's solution is simpler, probably faster, and probably also more efficient though.

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  • Solution
local file_path = "/home/myFile.txt" -- # path to your file here
local pattern = "match this" -- # your pattern to find
local matches = {}

local function contains(str, pattern)
  return string.match(str, pattern) and true or false

for line in io.lines(file_path) do
  if contains(line, pattern) then
    table.insert(matches, line)

That should get you started. Feel free to ask more questions if you like :) 

Edited by Molinko
Logan beat me :$
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On 25/12/2017 at 12:53 AM, Molinko said:

local file_path = "/home/myFile.txt" -- # path to your file here
local pattern = "match this" -- # your pattern to find
local matches = {}

local function contains(str, pattern)
  return string.match(str, pattern) and true or false

for line in io.lines(file_path) do
  if contains(line, pattern) then
    table.insert(matches, line)

That should get you started. Feel free to ask more questions if you like :) 

With this solution I managed to solve my problem. Thanks so much.

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