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Everything posted by Totoro

  1. You can use _OSVERSION environment variable, like here: etc/motd.
  2. Here are all available events: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals Did not hear about something like Love2D in OC. (Here is a short "discussion" of graphics like Love2D.)
  3. Unfortunately, there is no way to know where is your mouse cursor, before you click or drag.
  4. 1) Install 0.7.1: http://pastebin.com/LPb4FEv4 0.7.0: http://pastebin.com/2kG4V3tB 0.6.0: http://pastebin.com/bR33cXDU You can use internet card, and command: pastebin get LPb4FEv4 holo 2) What do you need a) Diamond Screen and Graphics card (for good resolution). Beginning from version 0.7.0 you can use a golden GPU card. Diamond processor (just faster; before OC 1.4 it's not important) c) 2 Golden memory planks. d) Internet card (to get program from pastebin) e) Hologram projector (to preview your creation) f) other parts, any levels
  5. I think, this is modpack problem. Too much of various mods. OC recipes may conflict with something. The SolitaryCraft site has a warning: "SolitaryCraft 8 is in alpha stages and you can help test it right now! Please be aware these are early versions of 1.7.10 mods and we are still in testing phase. Things could change!" If you play on server, it may be difficult to fix. You can leave bugreport here: solitarycraft forum.
  6. Try to update OpenComputers to latest prelease 1.4.0, or latest stable version 1.3.6. https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/releases/
  7. And could you post a screenshot of crafting table with recipe that not works? OpenComputers 1.4?
  8. Totoro


    Thank you! Oh, sorry! Here it is: Right Apple. I wrote Hologram Editor programm, just for fun =) It looks like this: screen. These holograms was created using it. P.S. Yep. It was an attach on russian CC/OC forum, originally. As you can see, I compose phrases not so.. fluent.
  9. Totoro


    Can not post a full pictures (too few posts, I think?), so, I just leave here these links =) Ghost Apple, Cake is a Lie and Yellow Girl.
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