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Everything posted by Zen1th

  1. Thanks for the review. I will make a version 2 (on same post) to add the changes you suggested and some others changes. I will also soon make a more presentable form of the specification.
  2. you're using the old pastebin (the broken one), the new pastebin is EbHYvEE8 (i changed it on the first post, just look)
  3. traifain91, what is the error exactly? Also to convert your OpenOS programs use the docs which describe Fuchas's APIs If there is an unrecovable error, i must be aware of it!
  4. Nevermind, everything (relating to installation) has been fixed. And here is a computer working with Fuchas I'm glad now installing Fuchas is 100% easy (you have to press 3 keys during installation) P.S.: To have a easier dualboot, i will continue working on my (currently secret) OEFI implementation. It will allow booting other OSes instdead of just Fuchas and OpenOS (but it will be on EEPROM side, not HDD, which makes it a bit more limited). Of course we will be able to select something like "I arleady have an OEFI", "I don't have an OEFI", "I don't want an OEFI" during insta
  5. very strange for it to be stuck. Is there disk activity (the sounds and/or blinking light on case) or did it crashed?
  6. Compatibility with OpenOS program is planned, but more core features are needed before i actually do it.
  7. Ok it turns out that i was dumb on the condition that checked GPU and screen. I forgotten to add a ~= nil. Anyways gotta publish changes, re-install in 15 minutes and it should be all good (this time it will be good!) Or you can manually edit init.lua, add "== nil" at line 19 after cp.list("screen")() And also thanks for still wanting to use the OS after all those little installation bugs i really appreciate this
  8. but you have a screen and an actual graphics card?
  9. All bugs (i know of) related to installations are now FIXED! You can now freely install Fuchas without any problems. However only dual-boot work FOR NOW. Due to the lack of "edit" command, you will have to go to OpenOS to code Fuchas programs using "edit" command. I'm planning a editor for Fuchas, i'll do it when i can!
  10. I mostly fixed installation bugs, however wait that i tell the 2nd part installer to be done before re-installing fuchas
  11. I figured out the error, the main problem seems to be that, somehow, xpcall seems asynchronous only in OC machines and that so it will result in the computer finishing Fuchas/NT/boot.lua instdead of continuing Fuchas execution. Resulting in a computer halt. Second problem is that i forgot to add the "shell" library on first download. But the xpcall error is strange
  12. Thanks for reporting the installation bug and the error after installation. I will search what is causing this error to happen and i will fix it. However the error only seems to appear on OC computers but not on OC emulators :/, i guess i shouldn't rely that much on emulators for compatibility..
  13. There is progress since last post, althought small progress. For example i added liblon (an unofficial Lua Object Notation , just made to be easier to parse). I also started the "Concert" graphical interface, but currently it's way too limited to be worth a new post (and presentation edit), alongside it i added the shin32 library wiki page (on GitHub). The rest of features are just installation fixes
  14. I'll do a proper topic for my game when it's stable, for now just wait a bit
  15. i didn't understood? Ok thanks you.
  16. Thanks for the reply, some days after asking the question i also found out that no, that's why for absolutely no reason at all i started OCCity to change this.
  17. The mod is not even yet updated for forge 1.13.X, so a version for 1.14 will maybe be in months or even year, since 1.12 and 1.13 have lot of technical changes. However i'm not a official developer of OpenComputers, so that's just guessings.
  18. I didn't finished the installer. However i added a VERY IMPORTANT FEATURE, before events were handled by programs and blocking. Now events are handled by the task manager. Meaning A process can pull event while another does something else. Which is very close to multi-tasking. However this feature is buggy and some events are skipped, this should be fixed by optimizing. Alongside this i might make a GUI soon to show the benefits of multi-tasking V.S. single-tasking (used by MineOS and tactiOS). Which would allow programs to be active (doing something without blocking GUI) rather than pas
  19. OHML being complete, it just needed something next so the OHML specification is complete. And this thing is what is here: OHTP Definitions: Host - Any computer or machine with a OC-compatible modem attached to it Server - Host sending OHTP-valid data when an user attemps to connect Client - Host receiving OHTP-valid data from a Server OHTP - Open Hyper Text Protocol - Protocol used to transmit OHML - Open Hypertext Markup Language between Hosts. Line Break - Unix style line break: line feed (\n) Specifications: The OHTP protocol doesn't take care of what
  20. For the signature, is the current version of this document is 1.0 (1 as major and 0 as minor) or is it something else? Because it's not written inside the document.. Also, the document says all string are encoded in UTF-8, ok, but must have their length at first, does it applies for the "URF" string part of the signature? There is also a lot of oddities in the entries, you say that if the entry is a file, the specifier byte must be "F", well it's ok because ASCII F byte have 6th and 7th bits equals to 1. However if the entry is a directory you say the specifier byte must be "D", bu
  21. I finished the 2nd stage installer, i'll do the 1st stage (installing from OpenOS/MineOS) when i will have more time
  22. Is there any video games for OpenComputers? As this would be cool, and no, i'm not speaking about a chip8 emulator or lunatic86. By that i mean games targetting OpenComputers Lua architecture. If no, that would be interesting to create some. After all almost all the programs i saw on the Showcase are OSes, #### control programs, drone managers, etc.
  23. Fuchas One of the best OSes (as said by me) Fuchas in a Nutshell Fuchas is revolutionnary in that it uses drivers instead of component access and support UAC (with separate permissions!) ! It's the end of the era where the program needs to maintain integration with different components, the OS now does it! The driver library will try automatically choosing the best driver, but it can be configured by user. Meaning programs adapt to components with no effort (e.g. Computronics cards) A feature of Fuchas is security. If you do not trust a program, you can control permissions. Each
  24. Open Extensible Firmware Interface v2.2 DISCLAIMER: FOR LUA ARCHITECTURE, OEFI PRESENTS LITTLE TO NO ADVANTAGES! Lua BIOSes that implements OEFI must allow using conventional booting. Note that OEFI has been made to be more architecture-independent and will support ANY architecture able to read files and CPIO (basically any architecture with basic access to component and bitwise operations). Concepts Application: Executable code booting using OEFI in the EFI1 or EFI2 format. Conventional Booting: OpenComputers default booting method. Often called "BIOS" Opera
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