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Everything posted by Ch1ck3nL1v3r

  1. Hello! I am trying to create my own keyboard library, but I have hit a problem in that some of the keys on my keyboard always return 0 when they are pressed. These keys are the "\" and "#" key on my UK layout keyboard. Here is my test code: while true do local _, _, _, key = event.pull("key_down") print(key) end This always returns 0 when backslash or hash is pressed. If anybody knows why / how I can distinguish between those two keys that would be awesome.
  2. Hi! I would imagine they used libPNGimage, an awesome library for working with PNGs made by TehSomeLuigi on the forums (link: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/266-libpngimage-a-preliminary-library-for-decoding-encoding-png-images/#entry1047 ) I have never used this library but there are some programs in the replies to that post with some image displaying code. A replier called MoonLightOwl posted some code for displaying images on screens called ToShowViewer (link: http://pastebin.com/UqM8dTjH ) I have not personally used any of this code but it looks like it might be what you are lookin
  3. Hello! In order to use a redstone card the first thing you need to do is require the component library and set up a variable for the redstone card, using the following code: local component = require("component") local redstone = component.redstone You will then have access to the redstone component, documentation for which is here: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:redstone You may also want to require the sides API, the code to do so looks like this: local sides = require("sides") This will give you access to the sides API, which lets you say "sides.top" or "sides.bottom" when using th
  4. Hi! All my program does is launch the default flash command, which works fine unless the EEPROM is then removed automatically using pipes or transposers. Unfortunately since asking this question our servers world was deleted =[, so I don't have the actual code anymore. It would still be cool to find out how to automate EEPROM production though. Thanks for responding!
  5. Hello! Quick update, I have replicated the issue using OpenComputers transposers instead of tubes, to ensure that they are not the problem. It seems that unless a player looks in the computer the EEPROM remains blank. This is very odd, is there any way to get an EEPROM factory working?
  6. Hi! I created a script that flashes a BIOS onto an EEPROM, and then pulses redstone to make tubes (from Tubes+) suck the EEPROM out of the PC and into a chest. Oddly the EEPROM only keeps its data if you have the computer inventory open while the tubes suck it out of the computer. I added eeprom.get() to my script, and it returns the full script that I flashed to the EEPROM, but it is blanked when it is extracted, unless a player is looking in the computer. I am not sure what is causing the problem, or if there is a way around it. Please save me internet! My opencomputers version is MC1.7.
  7. Hi! The syntax error is occurring because the command "pastebin" is a program built into openOS, the proper way to launch the pastebin command from your code is shell.execute("pastebin run <YourThing>"), unfortunately the shell API is part of openOS as well, so in order to get your EEPROM to run the script on pastebin you would need to use the internet card component, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/Component-Internet (sorry for linking to the old documentation). Unfortunately I am somewhat out of my depth with HTTP so can't really help you with that, you may be a
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