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Posts posted by Dustpuppy

  1. Hi lads and lassies,


    i'm coding on my galacticraft moon base and have made a library for exporting items from an ae2 network.

    The handling is very easy. Just connect an adapter to an ae2 interface block and any kind of container (chest, machine) to one side of the interface. Set the direction the interface is connected to the chest.

    Items to export will be selected by display name, not with fingerprint. To export dirt use Dirt as item, not minecraft:dirt.


    Example code:

    local component = require("component")
    local meinterface = require("interface_lib")
    io.write("Set direction to SOUTH : ")
    for k, v in pairs(meinterface.getItemList()) do
      print(k, v.size, v.label)
    io.write("Exporting 5 Dirt ")
    print(" " .. tostring(meinterface.export("Dirt", 5, true)))

    library functions:



      -- has to be called before using the lib to set the direction interface is connected to a container

      -- can be UP, DOWN, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST



      -- Retruns a table with size and label of all items in me network


    export(label, amount, dots)

      -- Exports an amount of items with the given label

      -- If dots is true it will write a dot for every item exportet (helpfull to see if it's still working when exporting big amounts)



      -- different containers needs different time to wait for finishing the export. A cargo loader for example needs 0.8 seconds and a chest

      -- only 0.5 seconds



    Here is the lib on pastebin.



  2. Hi again,

    here a short code that explains, how to craft an item from an ae2 system. Simply connect an adapter to the me-controller and have the pattern in the system setup.

    local component = require("component")
    local me_controller = component.me_controller
    local amount = 1
    local selection = "minecraft:stick"
    local craftables = me_controller.getCraftables({name = selection})
    if craftables.n >= 1 then			-- at least one entry found
      craftables = craftables[1]			-- set craftables to first entry in list
      local retVal = craftables.request(amount)	-- request to craft item(s)
  3. Hi,

    here is an easy way to export items from the applied energistics 2 network into a chest or other inventory.


    First you need to connect an adapter to an ae2 interface block and the inventory where to you want to export on the same interface block.

    (see picture)


    Then it's easy to handle the export over the interface.

    local component = require("component")
    local meInterface = component.me_interface 
    local ser = require("serialization")
    local selection = "minecraft:dirt"			-- The item to export
    local amount = 10					-- Max 64 (1 stack)
    local directionChest = "UP"				-- Where the chest is connected to the interface
    local fp = {}                                           -- Table for the fingerprint
    local itemList = meInterface.getAvailableItems()	-- Get a list of all items in me-network
    for number,item in pairs(itemList) do			-- Go over the list of items
      if item.fingerprint.id == selection then		-- Selected item found
        fp = item.fingerprint				-- Set the fingerprint
        break						-- Stop the loop
    print("Exporting " .. amount .. " of " .. selection .. " to chest (" .. directionChest .. ")")
    meInterface.exportItem(fp, directionChest, amount, 0)	-- Export items

    Have fun



  4. Try this. It works :-)

    local accessCode = "12345"
    local component = require("component")
    local gpu = component.gpu
    local event = require("event")
    local ser = require("serialization")
    local term = require("term")
    local computer = component.computer
    local door = component.os_door
    keypad = component.os_keypad
    customButtons = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "<", "0", "ok"}
    customButtonColor = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}
    keypad.setKey(customButtons, customButtonColor)
    print("Security door")
    local inputStr = ""
    while true do
      ev, address, button, button_label = event.pull("keypad")
      if ev then
        if button_label == "ok" then
          if inputStr == accessCode then
    	term.write("Access granted\n")
    	inputStr = "wellcome"
    	term.write("Access denied\n")
    	inputStr = "ERROR"
          inputStr = ""
        elseif button_label == "<" then
          if string.len(inputStr) > 0 then
    	tmpStr = string.sub(inputStr, 1 , string.len(inputStr) -1)
    	inputStr = tmpStr
          inputStr = inputStr .. button_label
  5. Here's a script for a door access with keypad. Don't need the server or the user database.

    local accessCode = "12345"
    local component = require("component")
    local gpu = component.gpu
    local event = require("event")
    local ser = require("serialization")
    local term = require("term")
    local computer = component.computer
    local door = component.os_door
    keypad = component.os_keypad
    customButtons = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "<", "0", "ok"}
    customButtonColor = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}
    keypad.setKey(customButtons, customButtonColor)
    print("Security door")
    local inputStr = ""
    while true do
      ev, address, button, button_label = event.pull("keypad")
      if ev then
        if button_label == "ok" then
          if inputStr == accessCode then
    	term.write("Access granted\n")
    	inputStr = "wellcome"
    	term.write("Access denied\n")
    	inputStr = "ERROR"
          inputStr = ""
        elseif button_label == "<" then
          if string.len(inputStr) > 0 then
    	tmpStr = string.sub(inputStr, 1 , string.len(inputStr) -1)
    	inputStr = tmpStr
          inputStr = inputStr .. button_label

    I've worked out some updates and a new visual editor for the gui system.

    To use the gui just download http://pastebin.com/Dfgc6z0T to a computer as /lib/gui.lua and try your best. :)


    If you don't want to fight with the placing of elements on the screen, then you want to use the visual editor.

    It's alpha state, but i hope it will make no errors.

    The editor will create a full lua code as frame work for your own program in resolution 80x25 like for a tier 2 screen. But you need a tier 3 screen to use the editor it self. The program you can run then on a tier 2 or tier 3 screen.

    Please try it and let me know, what you think. It's a bit flickry when updating the screen, but i hope i get this fixed.

    You can download the editor at https://pastebin.com/jdaM8FKG

    If you like it, let me know and tell me, what i could change, or what you want me to put into the gui or the editor.


    Have fun


  7. Hi,

    now i'am getting complicated :-)


    Here's my security system. It's based on opensecurity and oc.



    What's needed?


    The server

    Start it before starting any door computer or the card writer system.

    The server will handle all user accesses.


    The card writer

    This is the main system.

    It's with gui to setup all users.

    It needs an opensecurity card writer connected.

    You can setup new user, edit user or delete user.

    A user can be blocked to stop him using a mag card and a level can give to grant access on different doors.

    Data will be encrypted on the card.


    The door systems

    This will be used for the door it self.

    The computer needs a door controller and a card reader connected.

    You can use as much of this systems, as you want.

    It's important, that a door computer is started after the server, because it sends his access level to server during start.

    The level can be changed in the code. It's this line on the top : local accessLevel = 2



    All data will be send encrypted over network on port 199. The port and the crypting key can be changed in the source codes on top. Easy to find. :-)




    The server



    The card writer

    http://pastebin.com/156Np04X     - main program

    http://pastebin.com/Dfgc6z0T      - the gui system (save it as gui.lua)


    The door computer



    Hope u get it setup :-) If not, let me know. If i don't answer...good luck ;-)




  8. Hi all,


    i've made for my self a program to control stargates of lanteacraft. Easy to use with gui. If someone want to have it, can be get over pastebin.




    and you need the gui lib, also from pastebin.




    To use it, simply connect an adapter to the stargate base and run the program.

    Best is to use a tier 2 screen. On tier 3 it looks a bit funny ;-)

    If you find a bug, let me know, or keep it :-)


    If i get enough feedback, i will update the paste with new versions. Want to insert an auto dialer to search for gates.

  9. And again i did something usefull (i hope).

    With this lib you can send a robot to a waypoint with just one call.

    local component = require("component")
    local wp = require("wp")
    wp.enableAutoCharge(true)  -- set this true for automatic charging
    wp.goTo("test1", "north")  -- robot goes to waypoint with label "test1" and faces then to the north

    Functions :

    goTo(name, facing)

    Move robot to the waypoint with the given name. Second parameter is only needed, if you want your robot to

    turn to north, south, west or east after arriving. Is good if you want to use it for sucking or dropping from chests.



    Return the range in blocks a robot searches for waypoints. Standard is 256 blocks.



    Sets the range in blocks a robot searches for waypoints.



    Set this to "true" if you have a waypoint with a charger, you want robots to use for automatic charging when running out of energy.

    Autocharging is disable by default.



    Returns the label of the waypoint with the charger. Standard is "autocharger".



    Sets the label of the waypoint with the charger, if you don't want to label it "autocharger"


    The robot will go up from 5 to 7 blocks of his starting position. Every direction (north, south, east, west) has another height robots will move to prevent collisions.


    You can get the lib at pastebin with

    pastebin get PhLMDtaN /usr/lib/wp.lua






  10. Hi all!
    I've made a working print server for OS with installed network disk and openprinter.
    How it works:
    It will be started in /etc/rc.d as deamon and opens a TCP port (standard=9100 like in real life) for listening.
    A client can use "nprint" to send a file to the server.
    The server will format the file and stores it in a queue. With a timer event the server prints line by line for each file in the queue. Each paper will be labelt with the address of the sender and a page number is printed on bottom of page.
    Every computer with a network card and a printer can run the server, as long as you give every server a uniqe name/address.
    Server is configurable with config file in /etc and logs all events in /var/log. It check's if printer has enough paper, and ink to print. It pauses print jobs, if out of paper or ink.
    How to install:
    On the server (needs an openprinter)
    Install Open OS
    Install network disk
    pastebin get Bx6YHy9V /etc/rc.d/printserver.lua
    pastebin get qKX1QmvE /etc/printserver.cfg
    Setup print server in /etc/rc.cfg like enabled={"printserver"}.
    Configure server in file /etc/printserver.cfg
    On the client :
    Install Open OS
    Install network disk
    pastebin get g1B90KxW /usr/bin/nprint.lua
    pastebin get 9CDUY8vX /usr/lib/extralib.lua
    Wait until server is running and then use nprint to print on server printer.
    Known bugs:
    Can't use nprint on the server to print on own printer (just use print like before).
    What i will do next:
    Client based queue managment.
    Write some more network based server ;)
    Thanks for reading all this shit. Hope i get some feedback. :rolleyes:

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