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About Buka

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    Junior Member

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  1. Hey! Can you help me? Because i have an error like this, but you said that it work on openos 1.6 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3E7_SawdD6RUHBZUDdKalVZMWM
  2. I drawed A eeprom program to drone what makes drone fly down and up, and it looks so pretty then i decided to post it. Sorry for bad English. SO HERE IS THE PROGRAM: -Pastebin pastebin get qSh7jE1b Simply flash this eeprom by command: flash (eeprom name) rc Thanks For Readin' !!! P.S Its so hard to catch the drone (it looks so high )
  3. Maybe You Must Install OpenOS Directly From The Floppy?
  4. try to install openos 1.5 or higher
  5. I copied a 1.5 system from a OC 1.5 file to openos floppy disk on 1.6 OC jar.
  6. Isn't work on 1.6 ? Try on 1.5 link: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/897-something-about-mineos/ 1.Remember to not be on home directory. 2. copy the file to mods folder.
  7. Ok... i solved that. Have same problem? Link: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/897-something-about-mineos/
  8. When you have a OC Beta 1.6 on MC 1.8.9 You can't install MineOS but that work on OpenOS 1.5 . I solved that problem and little edited the OC .jar file. ...And simply install the MineOS Link to mineOS:https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/711-mineos-beautiful-gui-to-standard-shell There is a link to .jar file : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3E7_SawdD6RT21WU3FZWk9fMms
  9. Sounds Awesome, I can told you Lots Of Cases Names. ex. MineBox 900S (IBOX), MinOwo Obsidian Upgrade (Lenovo). Wants more? Catch Me on IRC!
  10. Do You Have Lua 5.2 on your computer? Check it and reply! (Check it by clicking LSHIFT)
  11. Hello, Everyone ! I have a little Big Problem. I installed MineOS and runned on computer. Everything good, but when components started loading... Plz Help Me.
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