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Posts posted by XyFreak

  1. You should avoid aiming for 50B/t and go for 40B/t - 45B/t instead because you'll be unable to maintain this 50B/t without overshooting. The controller is also going to have trouble with that tbh.

    Of course, aiming maximum efficiency is always better. Either way SHOULD work though as long as you give it a little headroom.

  2. Ah ok - those configs ;)

    If you are playing on a FTB Beyond server, can you do me a favor? I currently have an issue where computers are turned off after a server restart. If you happen to observe this, can you tell me? I want to make sure its not just my server/setup whatever before I ... rant about that bug >_>

  3. Well... mods work different on a server than in single player. I can think of a few reasons why the results vary, but I have no explanation for why they do on a server and don't in single player though.

    The recalibration issue is going to be fixed with the next release btw.

    I'm also curious on what configs you tweaked. If you modified the polynomials by hand I'm going to be impressed ;)

  4. How much (percentage based) was the reactor able to output during calibration? Also the flat 4.0 B/t is bothering me. Is there some kind of bottleneck? >_>


    EDIT: And how many blades do your turbines have (each)?

  5. 26 minutes ago, steel720 said:

    and what have i done wrong when they randomly explode test server doe but the reactor was running fine and then it went to critical i am running the

    reactors = { { reactorAddress = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", fluxGateDrainbackAddress = "YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY", fluxGateOutputAddress = "ZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ", drainback = 1.1, targetSaturation = 0.10, throttleSaturation = 0.56, throttleTemperature = 8115, throttleExponent = 0.12, limitTemperature = 10000, limitExponent = 2.79, burnConversion = 0, burnRFt = 2000000 } };  preset 

    If you're running a server (aka not single player) then make sure your computers stay turned on when the server restarts. There could also be chunkloading issues.

  6. You are propably running a draconic evolution version prior to These versions have a bug in the reactor logic which causes higher than intended load on your containment. The warning you see flashes becaues your containment load is higher or equal to 25% of your reactors total output. Usually this only happens if something is wrong but because the logic is flawed, this is "normal" in your version. I hate to say this but you can propably ignore this warning for the first few minutes.

  7. Hey guys,

    my email inbox told me that something is going on here :P

    First of all, you CAN use the same controller for multiple reactors. No problems there. However the GUI will only show the first reactor because I never implemented that.

    I've heared that in some cases, the adapter addresses may change and the analyzer will read out the wrong addresses. Please compare the addresses of the adapters to the output of the "components" command. If they're indeed different, this is the second time I've heared of this.

    Also if you are on a server, make sure the computers stay turned on after a server restart. On our server they just shut down. See: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2185 - exact same issue. Double check it or else you'll be in for a suprise....like me :/.

  8. Don't worry about it.

    The main issue with the whole networking thing is to get it done properly. A quick and dirty hack is always easy but that kind of code isn't really what I'm aiming for.

    If you want to try to do these modifications, here is how you do it the hacky way:

    • Make the actual controller serialize and send its reactor info object over to a computer that is to draw the gui.
    • Modify the gui so that it no longer starts the controller locally.
    • Have the gui instantiate a controller object. You will be feeding it data in a bit. Do it like this:
    • local draconic_control = require("draconic_control")
      local instance = draconic_control()
    • Overwrite the "isConnected" function with a function that always returns true.
    • Write a listener that deserializes and stores the data it receives from the remote controller. You want to store this table in "instance.reactorInfoLast" where "instance" is your "fake controller".
    • Remove line 313 of the gui and feed your "fake controller" object into the DraconicControllerGUI constructor instead of "controller" (line 319)
    • Make sure the settings for the reactor are synced. The health display may freak out otherwise.

    This should do what you want but... yeah... it's incredibly hacky.

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