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Everything posted by Subtixx

  1. I made a visual studio code extension for opencomputers available here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=subtixx.opencomputerslua and here: https://github.com/Subtixx/vscode-oclua Images:
  2. I don't know what you mean, but compressors can be easily automated. I did it with EnderIO item conduits with speed downgrade upgrades. I guess it also can work with item ducts and servos (which are set to a stack size of 1).
  3. Thanks and yes it would be better to have one . So now just change "enableChatBox" to false
  4. With this program you can have a player interface automatically supply you with oxygen tanks. Basically this program checks your inventory if you have equal or more than "tankToKeepInInv" tanks in your inventory. When the variable "shouldSmallTanksCount" is set to true it also counts smaller tanks (light & med). If you've less than "tankToKeepInInv" tanks in your inventory, it will transfer tanks to your inventory until you reach "tankToKeepInInv" amount. If you've empty oxygen tanks in your inventory it pulls it out of your inventory, charges it, and put it back in the oxygen supply c
  5. I don't exactly know what you mean by "modify the config file so that its like the monitor"
  6. I know . Sorry. But I was to excited that it worked.
  7. Easy to expand! You can create "modules" of segmented displays: This is an "API/Library/Program" to display multiple characters on multiple SISD (sixteen-segment display) Setup pictures: Bugs / ToDo: Convert it to an actual library / API Displaying a marqueed "HELLO" text on 9 segmented display causes to display "LLO HE " Marquee text? (scrolling text) Placing more characters than redstone addresses causes the program to "crash" Implement a function / method to use up all 5 sides of the redstone I/O (5 because 6 sides - the side for the cable) 2.1 Easier ability to change sid
  8. (I didn't thought about the 255 problem.. Thanks.) Holy cow. xD It works! But.. Same as the tabling. It's so so so so so so so slow..... It takes ~3-4 seconds to display. And with a energy cell that is updating every tick.. It would hogg up displaying. Hmm I'll think about something! thanks EDIT: BLAZING FAST http://i.imgur.com/MofzliT.gifv component = require("component") colors = require("colors") sides = require("sides") rs = component.redstone local segments = { ["0"] = 17663, ["1"] = 12, ["2"] = 34935, ["3"] = 34879, ["4"] = 34956, ["5"] = 37043, ["6"] = 35067,
  9. Nope.. It doesn't even turn on the bundled cable (Individual colors). Honestly I'm at a point where I have no clue anymore. There's no possible (+ fast) solution to display an integer in the computer to a segment display. With fast I mean ye sure. I could do something like 1 = blue on, red on, yellow off etc. but for a RF display (8.000.000 RF) that take ages to code, and ages to display. The segmented display can display values up to 65535 (4 displays as slaves and 1 master). Where this is the logic behind it: white = 1 orange = 2 magenta = 4 light blue = 8 etc. And you
  10. Something like this would be cool (Please do not hate me. It was 2-5 Minute work xD!):
  11. Hey, I'm kind of confused. After I coded a little program for Integrated Circuits (A mod) to display Letters on a 7-Segment Display, I've discovered that project red has a SISD (Sixteen segment display). So I search and found this page: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Segment_Display Which says: So I tried: component.redstone.setBundledOutput(35023) component.redstone.setBundledOutput(sides.right, 35023) component.redstone.setBundledOutput(sides.right, colors.white, 35023) which doesn't work. (1: Invalid side, 2: Invalid color, 3: Turns on the white cable). My "old" code for the 7-segmen
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