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About Alissa

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    Junior Member

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  1. Just wanted to say that I think I was drunk writing kage, so I'm rewriting that now. Repositories are going to have a ".kageinstall" file shown by the formatting scheme below. Formatting Guide Dependencies can sometimes be a gift -- Libraries that your program would need can be easily downloaded. kage makes this easy due to the ability to download files from other GitHub repositories Making a subsection is simply like the syntax below, but wrapped between a header and a footer line. The header line is denoted by: User/Repository { The footer line is denoted by: } Inbetween th
  2. ! Thanks again for enabling that.
  3. Alissa


    It's all cool -- I need to actually review chaos' formatting right now.
  4. Suggestion -- set text to black when you're displaying brighter colors to improve readability?
  5. Can you make the BIOS throw an error about security or something when downloading using HTTP versus HTTPS? Security is kind of a big issue if you want to boot an entire OS from the internet.
  6. Alissa

    Hologram Editor

    Hologram. Incorrect spelling. Besides that, this looks like an excellent program. I was actually interested in building something like this myself.
  7. Alissa


    Correction: Also, please note that some files would appear to be missing. They're not, just aliased to programs I've made to replace through other programs.
  8. chaos: Entropy Taking Effect A new operating system for OpenComputers, programmed by AlissaSquared Entropy is the level of disorder and order in a system. When entropy is left to itself to take effect, it can be extrapolated. The smallest of tweaks to the system can extrapolate into much bigger things. Many people call this time taking it's effect, but the true name is chaos. This is how my operating system, chaos, was created. Starting from small tweaks to OpenOS, I eventually took the time to fork the operating system and start publishing what I thought was greater additions to the oper
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