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Everything posted by MeltingBrain

  1. The GUI Is the main "Brain" of the system in term of process tree, as it will launch custom functions everytime an action is done. The GUI Is like "import" or "dofile" function, only one process called "VetaGUI" should be running, we do not need to import it, it's in the main core. Basicly, here's an example: local Button = gui.addButton() Button.backgroundColor = 0x some hex code Button.textColor = 0x again Button.text = "Hello!" Button.size = {x=10, y=1} etc... but for now, it only has: buttons, frames, text labels, loading bars and image objects. I want at least add a text i
  2. VetaTech OS [ABANDONED] VETATECH OS IS NOW ABANDONED, I AM WORKING ON A NEW OPERATING SYSTEM. The reason VetaTech OS was abandoned is due to it's unique core which was made really from scratch. I am working on the quite same GUI-based os, but working under default OpenOS (like Windows 7 works under DOS). After doing stresstests and trying to make it daily-use instead of OpenOS it became hard because of lack of features that OpenOS has by default. Because of that, i'll work, as said above, under default OpenOS, meaning that OpenOS will be loaded first and then an graphical user in
  3. Computronics are for older versions of OC, and it's not officially built in the mod. It would be awesome you add a GPS upgrade, allowing to get location of a computer, tablet, robot or drone by a simple command (gps = component.proxy etc... gps.getWorldCoordinates()) Yes, computronics includes radar upgrade, but also camera upgrade. I didn't test yet the camera upgrade for the drone, as I don't know it's API and it's hard to send via modem card the info about components to the computer, since it's using an EEPROM. If it's possible, after adding a GPS upgrade, I would love you add som
  4. Is it possible to make a drone follow the player in real world coordinates? (like a floating pet) It would be awesome. If it's not possible , i demand an upgrade like the navigation one, but more costly that will show World X, Y, Z coordinates of the player (if used in a tablet, like an GPS) and X, Y, Z coordinates of the drone, so we can calculate where the drone has to go to follow the player. Thanks.
  5. I can detect a new line, as \n is one byte (Special Character for end of line), and it reads 1 byte per scan. But OpenComputers made it VERY SLOW to read 1 per 1 until new line... I'll search more about the java Scala as you said. + TO THE MODS CHECKING MY POST: Please say thanks from me to fnucke.
  6. Here instructions: Put an adapter in front of the chest/controller. Connect the adapter with a cable to the computer. In the computer console, write this command: components A list of components should appear, search for something of the same name you just connected with the adapter, like ME_CHEST or something like this. write this command now: lua then write this: for _, Method in pairs(component.methods(component.list( " < NAME OF THE COMPONENT FROM AE2, LIKE me_chest OR me_controller > " )())) do print(Method) end A list of methods for the controller should appea
  7. Hello, I would like help optimizing my custom filesystem library, more precisely the 'readLine' function. It takes ages to read one line, and I think it's because it's badly optimized. Here is the code: local line = "" local data = nil repeat local data = fs.read(handle, 1) -- Reads 1 character if data and data ~= "\n" then line = line .. (data or "") else data = nil end until not data return line ~= "" and line or nil If possible, it would be nice to help me upgrade the code, as at the end you see it should return nil instead of a text, it's my bad code and in the final return text,
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