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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/28/23 in Posts

  1. I decided to make an editor with syntax highlighting, just for the fun of it. The name stands for "syntax highlighting editor", it's very unoriginal, but I'm bad at names To use it, run this command on OpenOS: pastebin get ZnwyunqL /bin/shedit.lua The color scheme was (sorta, I redid it later) copied from this paste. Features: Syntax highlighting! Indent on enter Line numbers Jump to line Hex colors are highlighted with the color they refer to (example: ) And probably more in the future if I need them.. Screenshot: Any recomm
    1 point
  2. In Single Player in the OC config there is an option "bufferChanges" set it to false. You'll find your programs in /MCDir/saves/savename/opencomputers/UUID/ UUID is the address of the hard drive that contains the files you want to edit. [Also moved to proper subform]
    1 point
  3. What you need is the inventory_controller upgrade. This will allow robots, drones, and an equipped adapter block to manipulate and read external inventories.
    1 point
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