Kiirox 0 Posted June 17, 2021 Share Posted June 17, 2021 Hi, i would like to know how we can do a text that when we touch it execute some code. Thanks for your help! main.lua local component = require("component") local event = require("event") local computer = require("computer") local gpu = component.gpu local term = require("term") local version = "1.0" local h, w = gpu.getResolution() API = require("buttonAPI") local function base() gpu.setBackground(0x0000cc) gpu.fill(1,1,h,1," ") gpu.set((h / 2) - 5,1,"TopiGui v"..version) gpu.setBackground(0xcccccc) gpu.fill(1,2,h,w, " ") while true do gpu.setBackground(0x0000cc) memoryPercentage = computer.freeMemory() * 100 / computer.totalMemory() energyPercentage = * 100 / computer.maxEnergy() gpu.set(h / 1.25,1,"RAM: "..string.format(" %2.0f", memoryPercentage).." % Free") gpu.set(h / 1.1,1,"Energy: "..string.format(" %2.0f", energyPercentage).." % ") os.sleep(1) end end function API.fillTable() API.setTable("Exit", exit, 10,20,3,5) API.screen() end function getClick() local _, _, x, y = event.pull(1,touch) if x == nil or y == nil then local h, w = gpu.getResolution() gpu.set(h, w, ".") gpu.set(h, w, " ") else API.checkxy(x,y) end end function tor() computer.shutdown() end base() API.fillTable() while true do getClick() end buttonAPI.lua local API = {} local button={} local component = require("component") local colors = require("colors") local term = require("term") local mon = component.gpu local w, h = mon.getResolution() local Green = 0x00AA00 local Red = 0xAA0000 local Black = 0x000000 buttonStatus = nil function API.clear() mon.setBackground(Black) mon.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") end function API.clearTable() button = {} API.clear() end function API.setTable(name, func, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) button[name] = {} button[name]["func"] = func button[name]["active"] = false button[name]["xmin"] = xmin button[name]["ymin"] = ymin button[name]["xmax"] = xmax button[name]["ymax"] = ymax end function API.fill(text, color, bData) local yspot = math.floor((bData["ymin"] + bData["ymax"]) /2) local xspot = math.floor((bData["xmax"] + bData["xmin"] - string.len(text)) /2)+1 local oldColor = mon.setBackground(color) mon.fill(bData["xmin"], bData["ymin"], (bData["xmax"]-bData["xmin"]+1), (bData["ymax"]-bData["ymin"]+1), " ") mon.set(xspot, yspot, text) mon.setBackground(oldColor) end function API.screen() local currColor for name,data in pairs(button) do local on = data["active"] if on == true then currColor = Green else currColor = Red end API.fill(name, currColor, data) end end function API.toggleButton(name) button[name]["active"] = not button[name]["active"] buttonStatus = button[name]["active"] API.screen() end function API.flash(name,length) API.toggleButton(name) API.screen() os.sleep(length) API.toggleButton(name) API.screen() end function API.checkxy(x, y) for name, data in pairs(button) do if y>=data["ymin"] and y <= data["ymax"] then if x>=data["xmin"] and x<= data["xmax"] then data["func"]() return true end end end return false end function API.heading(text) w, h = mon.getResolution() term.setCursor((w-string.len(text))/2+1, 1) term.write(text) end function API.label(w, h, text) term.setCursor(w, h) term.write(text) end return API Quote Link to post Share on other sites
0 .theros 0 Posted May 31, 2024 Share Posted May 31, 2024 I might be a bit late to this, but you can look at how i did it, thought this has no actual "button", its just clickable text. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hi, i would like to know how we can do a text that when we touch it execute some code. Thanks for your help!
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