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Found 4 results

  1. Ive made this port an day ago by converting and translating the C code to Lua OC! It's more recommended to try this on an tier 2 screen! If you wanna try this just do pastebin run k7MKw38X or pastebin get k7MKw38X OCDONUT.LUA The Source Code! : https://pastebin.com/k7MKw38X
  2. I am working on a port of Sidoh's AE2 Stockpile program, originally for ComputerCraft. It allows for keeping a specific number of items in stock in an AE2 system, and has the ability to add and remove items without the user having to edit configuration files. I am writing this for the 1.10.2 version of OC / AE2, so it may or may not work on the 1.7.10 version. I also plan on adding ExtraCells compatibility for fluids and whatnot (I have a custom build from the ExtraCells 1.10.2 git code, because I like living on the edge). I am porting this file by file, so watch this space for new i
  3. Hey, hope you're having a wonderful day. Gangsir again, back with another one of my small but useful programs. I've written a small user-friendly program to manage modem ports. It has the ability to scan and list all open ports, then gives you the option of opening and closing some ports. A few arguments and switches can be specified, these control what the program does. Syntax: ports [-ns] <minSearch> <maxSearch> -n : No scan, skips scanning and goes right to opening and closing. -s : Silent mode, only scans, no questions asked. <minSearch> : The lower port to search from
  4. Disclaimer: This is not my code, this is merely a port of a program made by KingofGamesYami, who's original thread can be found Here. This is merely a port by me. Edit: Updated to King's V2 version of the program. Original thread link still works. So, I was browsing dank memes the Computercraft forums looking for programs that would be nice to have on OC. Then, I stumbled upon Pulse, which is a screen saver made by KingofGamesYami. I ported it to OC, and gave it a way to terminate nicely without leaving the text colour or background messed up. I figured I'd share my port, so others may
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