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Showing results for tags 'file'.
*By low end I mean tier 1 with OpenOS and 2 sticks of tier 1 memory installed. OpenOS is a required dependency. I created this for personal use in a Project Ozone 3 playthrough with a friend, and it's been working out so far. Willing to take feature suggestions and feedback. I'm currently in the process of publishing it as a package for OPPM. This is currently published as "todo" on this GitHub repository. todo.lua
Cell is a graphical file manager for OpenComputers that allows you to browse files and open them in other programs, such as the editor or simply running .lua files. You can also customize what programs can be used to open files through the programs.cfg file. Tutorials: Browsing files/directories Select files/directories by clicking on them in the panel on the right side of the screen If a directory contains a large amount of files or sub-directories, use the arrow buttons to scroll through pages To go up a sub-directory, click the up arrow
module Module can't be found but file exists at location?
LamboCreeper posted a question in Programming
Hey, I haven't worked with Lua in a while and recently my friends and I started a new modded game. I'm currently trying to require another file from another, and to my knowledge have done it to how the syntax describes. However, OpenOS is giving me an error stating the following: However, when running the cd command it states that core.lua does indeed exist in the directory /home/ This is my code: -- core.lua function catch(inp) return inp[1] end function try(inp) status, res = pcall(inp[1]) if not status then inp[2](res) end return res end -- test.lua f -
!ereh Risgang I've written a simple program for transferring a medium sized text file (Less than about 8000 characters, roughly a small essay) over an OC network, wired or wirelessly. I've named it GFT, or "Gift", short for Gangsir File Transfer. This program is actually two small sub-programs, one for receiving and one for sending. To differentiate between them, the first argument changes the function of the program. Then, the second argument tells the file to operate on, for sending or receiving to. (To generate on receive.) Syntax is as follows: gft <send/receive> <"/path
hello, i have a simple script right here that i will later use to recover recipes after a boot However the file i am editing never has any changes occur to it. no errors. I am pointing to the correct file (file:read returns what i edit in) local serialutil = require("serialization") local term = require("term") local fs = require("filesystem") file = fs.open("/data/recipes.txt",w) local a = serialutil.serialize("words, letters, phrases") file:write(a) file:close()