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Everything posted by Arcanox

  1. I just updated BRGC and now it won't start my reactor. I did delete the /etc/br_control.cfg file before starting the services again. Every time I try and turn the reactor on, it just immediately goes to the "ERROR" state without heating up the reactor at all. It didn't re-create the /etc/br_control.cfg file at all. EDIT: Apparently something really screwed up with my power system while updating and the P2P nodes weren't getting power, so the reactor filled up with steam. Fixed now.
  2. Put this on my server and it works great! My computer is buttery smooth with all three BRGC programs and the GUI running. Thank you so much!
  3. I don't believe the cursor blinks at its normal rate; I would have to check after work to be sure, but if I recall correctly, it blinks much slower (it appears to not blink at all because it is so slow). I didn't figure it was by design to have such a large delay; I can understand only being able to make 20 or 10 or maybe even 5 API calls per tick, but the restriction seems to be effectively "less than one" per tick, judging by the way BRGC runs. I would at least expect BRGC to be able to acquire the energy/steam produced last tick once a tick, and reactor core temperature, and turbine RP
  4. It is certainly a bug, because it was introduced in a recent version of OpenComputers. This has not always been the case. The post here details which versions of OC/ER are affected by the bug. Not all mods' APIs are affected; certain other mods return nearly instantly from API calls (such as Draconic Evolution) and there can be multiple API calls per tick without slowing down the computer to any noticeable extent. Extreme Reactors is one of the mods affected, however, and when running this program with any number of ER devices attached, the computer is slowed down to the point where typin
  5. Ah, I will play around with it later today. I didn't know it tried to calibrate with max efficient steam flow...the turbine program I wrote a long time ago just used a PI loop on the steam flow to keep it at 1800 RPM.
  6. I'm experimenting around in creative mode with this because I'd like to eventually run it on my server, but I can't get the turbine control working. When I start the computer, it starts spinning up the turbine (KICKOFF mode), but once it reaches the CALIBRATING stage, it doesn't seem to be adjusting the steam flow rate at all, so it keeps spinning up until it hits the ERROR state. The Target RPM is displayed as "0" and the steam flow rate stays at 600 after it reaches CALIBRATING stage, never decreasing to stabilize the RPM. I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with setup, but I have no idea
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