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Everything posted by Didz

  1. @DemolitionDerby You can have the GUI run at startup by editing the /etc/profile file on the computer. This is the bottom of the default file: cd $HOME clear /etc/motd source $HOME/.shrc -q And here's how I've changed that to be now: cd $HOME brgc_gui clear source $HOME/.shrc -q (A clear comes after the brgc_gui because the GUI doesn't seem to perform its own clearing when it exits)
  2. Oh... actually... hold press. After I ran a quarry for a while (which required the turbines to run) - when the storage got all charged up again, the Turbine didn't Suspend and it's now back in its Fast Spindown or Spindown generation states as before (even though the Grid is in Decreasing Charge state) https://www.dropbox.com/s/s107ahbi1zxrxwf/2017-05-22_20.04.04.png?dl=0 After the natural charging, the Demand value is still following the Generation Rate value (seems to be the case when Generation Rate >= Demand Value?). Now after a while, the Generation Rate has fallen below the
  3. It seems to work! Great job! https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7f1l7u2r86a54v/2017-05-22_19.49.42.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/94pr679u7rgxbaj/2017-05-22_19.51.25.png?dl=0 After restarting the computer, the Turbine was immediately in the Suspended state
  4. Running the installer, "Failed to download br_grid_control": https://www.dropbox.com/s/esvj1nfq9u7gakx/2017-05-22_19.32.52.png?dl=0
  5. Yes, I just came back to the server after leaving it overnight and it was at 100% and stuck in Decreasing Charge state but the turbine was still actively generating RF/t (the Demand value == the Generation value). The workaround at the moment is to turn off the turbine manually, wait for it to get to the threshold where it wants Increasing Charge, then enable the turbine again. It seems to work when I do that - it'll suspend the turbines at 95% storage and it'll go to Decreasing Charge with a correct Demand value. I don't know how it got into the 100% state when I came back to the server
  6. The grid's Energy Demand seems to be equal to the turbine generation rate in some cases (after a Charge), but the Weighted value remains accurate. Should this be the case? The demand should be very low now because the storage has already reached 100% and is still being charged by residual turbine generation. I'd expect the turbine to be in Suspended state after a Charge is complete to save RPM and avoid wasted RF/t, but it looks like it keeps the coils enabled even though the demand is not as high as the value on the screen says it is. It seems to also activate the turbine again after a while,
  7. Ok that's cool. When I did the calibration, the energy storage was already full, but I hadn't realised that was an issue - I thought it was just going to calibrate based on the turbine's generating RF/t. I've set the config manually with the RPM and max output and it seems to be going well now. I'm guessing the manual config could throw calculations off a bit if I had a grid of many turbines and the grid controller wanted to determine which turbines would be best to enable given their optimal outputs (and I wasn't precise in enough with the value), but I'm in a one-turbine scenario here so I h
  8. A few more problems today with the updated version. I switched up now to the Tier 1 Draconic Energy Core for the Grid controller. Now I'm having a bit of trouble getting the turbine calibrated properly - it seems to set its RPM target too low, meaning I don't get the full RF/t potential from it (it seems to want to hover around ~1430 RPM instead of near ~1800 RPM where most RF/t is made). I tried to recalibrate it, but the command line program doesn't seem too fond of turbines: https://www.dropbox.com/s/orzh4xk41uj3x3g/2017-05-20_14.22.23.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5vnr
  9. I just updated to the new version on our server today, but after a few seconds of calibration, the GUI screen got filled with error stack traces. The stack traces kept happening in the background when the GUI was closed too (after trying to find the Exit button behind the wall of text!) Everything was working beautifully in the version previous - I updated to see if the Grid Controller could handle low energy demand better with the turbines (keeping the turbine off while the energy buffer is above a certain threshold). EDIT: This running the Direwolf20 1.10 pack (v1.9.1). Sorry
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