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Posts posted by macrah

  1. I'd have to say that's not quite true @Gorzoid. Take the OC mod out of it and say you and I are in a server game. I am looking at a block on my screen and decide to break it. I click the mouse button, my copy of MC initiates a request to the server, server takes that, changes it's database to reflect the change (if the change is valid), and then my copy of MC gets info back. All a simplified look at it MC. On that same track, you need info about how I impacted our shared world, so you also see it as the server reports to your copy of MC that the block is broken.

    The same could be said of the case with OC's interaction with the shared world, but it wouldn't be person initiated block changes as it would be the Lua scripts initiating action (edit although think about a multi-block break when I just hold down the mouse button, there is no human action as the mouse and computer are just generating signal without pause endedit). The only part of the shared world that wouldn't be available to you if my computers instituted an action on the world would be the data stored on the OC information storage (in the disks, etc). So, yes, the Lua scripts might initiate actions more frequently as they are faster than a person, but they would not necessarily have more network traffic for the same amount of effect on the shared world. And that might be more than compensated for by not having the responsibilities for data that I noted above.

    Also, if this view were taken, the server side could have some config setting to control the intervals between activities so that an admin could control the amount of network traffic the OC could generate from each user. 

    The only thing left is that the data stored on the drives would not be shareable between users. For instance, I could build a drive, put data on it, give it to you in game. when you got the drive, it would be blank as the data didn't really exist on the server. To share the data, I'd have to do it outside the game so that you could then access it.

    There are probably a couple of holes in this as I don't know the ins and outs of OC, but I think it's generally sound. I'm also not certain that this would be a good change as there may be complexities not worth overcoming (like maybe message transmission on a network, although that's kind of like a redstone signal and that works on a shared world).

  2. I kind of get this, @Michiyo as it's the easiest to get data on nearby block statuses, etc. into the program requests , etc. It gives me pause on a couple of fronts.

    The server gets responsibility for storage of as many disks as all the users have.

    The server gets responsibility for all the additional processing of all the user's lua scripts.

    The server gets responsibility for  any personal data all users may (foolishly) choose to store on these files. Most MC mods don't have much in the way of an ability to store personal data, just things that affect the disposition of the MC worlds.


    I'll have to think on this.


    I'm not sure the processing and files "have" to be on the server, but it may be unmanageable to do it any other way. It might take quite a bit of thought and redesign to get it otherwise, maybe too much to be worth it.

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