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Everything posted by Trellinane

  1. Probably a very mundane question but in linux you can use the |more pipe for paging through long screen content. Is there anything like this in opencomputers? I have a number of components connected to a computer and when I use component.list() it displays the first several components and then leaves a ... at the bottom of the screen output. I know there are more components and I am assuming there is some limit on how many will be displayed to the screen. I want to know how I can show the complete list of components. Thanks.
  2. Thank you very much. Seems to be working. I will have to tweak things a bit for what I am doing but this was exactly what I was looking for as a starting point.
  3. Hello, I am looking for a way to identify which side of an external block is connected to the computer network. For instance if I had a chest connected to an inventory and wanted to be able to use an inventory_controller upgrade to inspect contents I would have to know which side to access in the methods. What if a user hooked the chest to a different side than the way I wrote the code. In other words, have the program search and determine which side to utilize in the program. This is my first attempt with open computers so I may be missing something really obvious. Thanks.
  4. I see under the Signals section of the OpenComputers Documentation that there is a signal for a change in a robots inventory being inventory_changed(slot: number) I am wondering if there is a signal for an inventory attached to an adapter with an inventory control upgrade. I would like to initialize an inventory by scanning through it slot by slot and then if it changes, rescan the inventory to update an array of the inventory contents. Does the robot signal work for any inventory that is part of the computer's component list? Thank you.
  5. Hello. I love the look and idea of this program and it seems to be working until my minecraft crashes. It is reporting a Concurrent Modification Exception. I thought I saw some mention of this issue before but I can't seem to identify a solution. I am playing the Direwolf20 1.10.2 pack and have on 9x9x5 reactor with two turbines that are 7x7x16, One turbine has a coil with a mix of enderium and ludicrite (I am replacing enderium with ludicrite as resources allow) and the other turbine has a coil of all enderium. I can play for hours with no crash as long as the control program is not run
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