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About Vankka

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  1. Vankka

    A "irl" addon

    So i have been trying to work on a mod that would add irl cases and other parts but got stuck trying to make a block model for the cases and also coudn't figure out how to add a cpu But if you didn't get the idea yet the mod is not gonna overwrite how openos works just the parts and one of the main points was to make the computers faster so if a devloper reads this help is welcome Thanks! for making Open Computers love it! Currently working on it in 1.7.10 but might do a 1.10.2 version if i get the 1.7.10 version done
  2. Okay just found the solution here is the code: (with the codes) local event = require("event") local term = require("term") local component = require('component') local rs = component.redstone term.clear() print("Survailence Record") print("-------------------------") while true do e = {event.pull('magData')} a = e[3] b = e[4] if b == "Password here" then term.write("Access granted\n") rs.setOutput(2,15) os.sleep(2) rs.setOutput(2,0) else if b == "Password here" then term.write("Access granted MasterCard\n") rs.setOutput(2,15) os.sleep(2) rs.setOutput(2,0) else term.write("Access de
  3. Sorry ill forget actually i don't even know it
  4. local component=require("component") local rs=component.redstone local gpu=component.gpu local term=require("term") local text=require("text") local computer=require("computer") local os=require("os") ----Config---- local delay1=1 --The delay what the redstone is on for (1) local delay2=1 --The delay what the redstone is on for (2) local side1=0 --The redstone side (1) local side2=0 --The redstone side (2) local username1="usr1" --Username (1) local username2="usr2" --Username (2) local password1="psw1" -
  5. So today i wanted the Magnetic card reader output a redstone signal Mag card reader: https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/wiki/Blocks#mag-card-reader Well i don't have progress because the wiki is hard to understand and i'm new to lua
  6. The documentation is pretty bad for a starter at lua and i recomment to make excamples with explanations
  7. Thanks for the quick reply Yes it works
  8. So i'm trying to make a "password" for a door with the keypad from OpenSecurity For more info about the Keypad: https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/wiki/Blocks#events-1 The code i got before getting stuck local event = require("event") local component = require("component") keypad = component.os_keypad keypad.setEventName("eventName") keypad.setDisplay("DoorCode") customButtons = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "X", "0", ">"} keypad.setKey(customButtons, customButtonColor) --local event, address, button, button_label = event.pull("keypad") -- I'm st
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