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Posts posted by Nexarius

  1. On 17.6.2017 at 7:30 PM, xilni said:

    I think you've solved my whole crisis of what to do.

    So you're suggesting I use the lower threshold as the "capacity" in this case so that anything  >= lower threshold is "full" bar. 

    Since the upper threshold is merely a value I use to prevent the system from constantly toggling on and off so I don't care if it's not displayed but I do need to find a place to display whether the system for that particular item/fluid is on or off. It can work off adding a boolean "running" value to the tank data structure or something of the likes but I do want to be able to view it on the GUI at a glance. Any UI suggestions on this point?

    I thought more about the upper threshold as capacity otherwise all bars will be at 100% all the time because its always producing to keep everything above 100%.

    You could do something pretty simple and just change the label to have something like "Water (On)" and give that to anzeigen(tankneu) (btw color works over name not label).

  2. The translation looks pretty good.

    hier: is easy it checks whether or not the event.pull() reached the timeout or got a message. On timeout it skips everything and displays a message that there is no available data to display.
    dazu: It first checks if the id is already known and then replaces all the information with the new message and then sets dazu = false to prevent adding it at L56. (If you get the second message from the same computer you have to deal with the fact that you still have the first message and it has to be overwritten or deleted.)

    If you get infromation only from the me system then you don't need update() at all. You only need if component.isAvailabe("MeSomething") then dostuff() else nodata() end

    I don't think that amount > capacity would be a big problem. It will just display percent > 100% and the bar will be filled completly.

    6 hours ago, xilni said:

    EDIT: Does this forum have an inline code block formatting? Sometimes I don't want to create a large paragraph block for a few random code words.


  3. I guess you could start from L135 anzeigen(tankneu). tankneu is all the information about all liquids already added together and anzeigen is looping through the table and decides the position on the display and on L177-L185 it is giving it to zeigeHier([...stuff...]) label (visible liquid name), name (hidden liquid name, this will be used to check with the color table), menge (amount), maxmenge (max amount), prozent (percent, this is calculated and not in tankneu).

    zeigeHier combines the variables into the message for the screen, changes the color and then writes to the screen.

    You could probably start by making a table like this for anzeigen(tankneu)

    tankneu = {
    {name="water", label="water", menge=1000, maxmenge=2000, somethingnewhere=500},
    {name="lava", label="lava", menge=4000, maxmenge=5000, somethingnewhere=1000},

    After that add somethingnewhere to L185 into zeigeHier and then change zeigeHier in L205 to include somethingnewhere and then change the table.inserts to have it too. There are two different messages shown if breite==40 (It means width==40) because there isn't enough space left and I decided to not show max amouint anymore on a width of 40 otherwise its too big and doesn't fit.

    You will have to add anything new to farben.lua to get the colors. https://github.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/blob/master/Tank/server/tank/farben.lua

  4. On 10.4.2017 at 0:21 PM, noahthegame said:

    I know how to get the file on the web but how do i "translate it" like so


    <!DOCTYPE html><html><h1>hallo world</h1><code1>i am dum just so you know</code1></html> 


    hallo World

    i am dum just so you know


    say on a 2'st way:

    have someone made a lua code that Can run a html code


    ah You are looking for an ingame browser. I don't think anyone has made something like that.

  5. os.sleep(1)
    local event = require("event")
    function event.shouldInterrupt()
        return false
    local passwort = "blabla"
    local anzahl = 0
    while io.read() ~= passwort do 
        print("nicht OK")
        anzahl = anzahl + 1
  6. 1 hour ago, tipclaydon said:

    im trying to use this program im currently using OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- and SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2 but once the program detects the stargate it reverts back to the main openOS 1.6.1 screen

    Is there any kind of error displayed? You might have to start it manually by typing "stargate" (OpenOS doesn't show any error from programs in autorun).

    Is there a file called /log ?

    Did you reinstall it completely fresh? If not could you do that? "pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu"


    If that doesn't work could you run this "pastebin run -f icKy25PF" and then run this again "pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu" .

  7. I've made a very simple to use program to update OpenOS directly with the newest files from github. Now you don't have to wait for the server admin to update the mods to get the newest OpenOS.

    It will download all OpenOS files first before it replaces any of the old files just to make sure you don't end up with half of your OpenOS in a different version.


    pastebin run -f icKy25PF


    wget -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/master/OpenOS-Updater/updater.lua

    I only recommend to use this on a freshly installed computer.


    Check out my other programs:


  8. You found a realy good method to measure the tps :)

    I've tested it now on a server during a 5-10tps time and it showed the tps very acurately :)

    The next step is now to include it in other programs and change the update time depending on tps. For that I've already modified your program. I removed all the fancy tps displaying stuff.


    You can see the program here and with "pastebin run -f ZbxDmMeC" it will automatically download it into /lib/tps.lua

  9. 16 hours ago, minechris said:

    das Programm funktioniert in keinster weiße weder Touch noch mit keyboard und das mit dem update wird schwierig weil ich ein vorgefertigtes modpack(FTB Galactic science 1.7.10) spiele wo das mit den neueren versionen meist nicht so prickelnd leuft. Und das mit dem log wird schwierig weil ich davon keine Ahnung habe. 

    Schreib einfach

    view /log

    wenns existiert sollte er etwas anzeigen.


    Hat das Programm ursprünglich funktioniert bis du eine Adresse / Einstellungen geändert hast?

    Sieht es bei dir den zumindest so aus wie hier ?

    Zeigt es dir etwas an, wenn du das Stargate einfach mit einem stargate controller aktivierst?


    Kannst du es mal updaten lassen indem du

    /stargate/check.lua ja



    Falls das nicht funktioniert kannst du es komplett löschen und neuinstallieren? Gib dies ein

    pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu

    Solange du mit dem Modpack nicht auf einem Server spielst solltest du das Updaten von OpenComputers problemlos schaffen. (Soweit ich weis sind keine neuen Blöcke oder Rezepte in 1.6 dazugekommen)


    edit: Kannst du denn sonst überhaupt etwas mit dem Computer machne? Vielleicht bist du nicht in der Liste der zulässigen Benutzer des Computers.
    (Serveradmins sind immer erlaubt. Frag also mal einen von denen ob er den PC bedienen kann.)

  10. On 3.2.2017 at 7:12 PM, minechris said:

    hi! Es ist ein schönes Programm doch leider funktioniert es bei mir nicht! Auf dem tier 3 screen ist das bild abnormal klein. Außerdem kann ich nichts anklicken oder kontrollieren . 

    Ps: wäre schön wenn du eine Open Modular Turrets integration hinzu bringen könntest .

    Open Computers version:

    Open Modular Turrets integration wird wahrscheinlich nicht möglich, weil ich den Mod überhaupt nicht kenne.

    Benutz einfach einen T2 screen der hat die selben Funktionen, dann wird es nicht so klein sein. Geht nur der Touchscreen nicht oder hast du es auch mit einem Keyboard versucht?

    Kannst du nachschauen ob die Datei /log existiert?


    Für OpenComputers gibt es schon eine neuere Version und damit wurde OpenOS auf 1.6 geupdated mit starken Veränderungen. Ich musste einige Änderungen vornehmen um es zum laufen zu bekommen und ich hab nicht mehr getestet ob es mit der älteren Version immernoch geht.
    Kannst du OpenComputers updaten und dann den Computer komplett neuinstallieren? (Das ist benötigt um von OpenOS 1.5 auf OpenOS 1.6 zu wechseln)

  11. This program can display the contents of tanks on a big screen with a colored bar that can dynamically change its size.
    It can show up to 256 128 64 different liquids which are sorted from highest amount to lowest.
    5x8 is the optimal size for the screen.
    Multiple tanks with the same liquids are automatically added together and empty tanks are ignored.

    This display is split into 2 programs.

    1) Server - this receives the tank information and displays it

    2) Client - this has the adapter with the tank controller (you can have as many as you like)


    optimal screen sizes: 8x5; 8x2; 4x1

    pastebin run -f cyF0yhXZ

    installation guide:


    github: https://github.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/tree/master/Tank#start

    server / display components:

    • Internet Card (to install)
    • Network Card
    • Graphics Card T3
    • Screen T3

    client / adapter + tank components:

    • Internet Card (to install)
    • (Wireless-) Network Card

    It supports now the following blocks:

    • Adapter + Tank Controller Upgrade
    • Transposer
    • Batbox
    • CESU
    • MFE
    • MFSU
    • Gregtech Batterybuffer
    • Capacitor Bank
    • ALL RF storage blocks
    • ME Interface
    • ME Controller
    • Warded Jar
    • Void Jar


    Big Update version 2

    The screen scales better to utilize the "room" to the fullest.

    I've added support for jars and essentia (Thaumcraft 6 needs the Thaumic Computers mod)

    It's now possible to connect this to the ME System and read all liquids from it.

    Thaumic Energistics:
    Additionally it can read essentia from the system if you have Thaumic Energistics installed.

    Energy EU:
    You can connect EU storage devices and it will show it on the screen.

    Energy RF:
    Furthermore you can also connect any RF storage block and it will work too.


    The version 2 is not compatible with the version 1. You will have to update the server and all clients.





    I've double the limit from 64 to 128 and doubled it again to 256!


  12. I haven't seen that one because I've been using my already installed computer when I updated OpenComputers to 1.6 which means it still had OpenOS 1.5 on it and OpenComputers 1.6 now has OpenOS 1.6.

    They've changed something in OpenOS 1.6 that broke it and figuring out what will be fun because the changelog is the "most helpful thing ever".


    Changed: OpenOS got a major overhaul, in particular term related things, and also a few new built-in programs (payonel). This would deserve a changelog of its own, really...

    I will try to fix this.

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