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Posts posted by Magik6k



    I really do wonder how well it would work with Plan9k as it has (IMO) better threading support, proper virtual component support and component/event sandboxing/namespaces (so a program can/can't see selected components, events can be filtered/translated(like mouse clicks)). Would you mind if I try to port this api there?


    Oh, and why won't you put this on OpenPrograms/OPPM?

  2. OETF #10 - OHCP - simple DHCP/BOOTP like protocol for host auto configuration.

    1. Protocol

    This is specification for a binary data frame(a Lua string), sent over OETF #7 protocol with protocol number 0xCF.

    BYTE 0              | BYTE 1                   | DATA                       | BROADCAST
    0x00 - ADDR REQUEST | NOT SET                  | NOT SET                    | ALLOWED
    0x01 - CLIENT RESP  | 0x00 IPv4 address assign | IPv4+subnet byte (4b + 1b) | NO
    0x01 - CLIENT RESP  | 0x02 IPv4 gateway        | Gateway IPv4 (4b)          | NO

    2. Protocol Flow

    When a new client is starting up, it SHOULD broadcast `ADDR REQUEST` once. In case of no response it may retry after at least 15 seconds. If server has free addresses in address pools it should respond with `CLIENT RESP` packets, setting the client up.

  3. This is a repost, as the old post was removed for some reason..


    • OpenOS
    • Lua 5.2 CPU
    • T3 hard drive
    • Internet Card


    1. Install MPT

    wget http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/mpt/usr/bin/mpt.lua /tmp/mpt.lua
    /tmp/mpt -S mpt
    rm /tmp/mpt.lua

    2. Install craftos

    mpt -S cc-installer
    craftos install

    3. Enjoy




    If something doesn't work/show up(like a peripheral), post about it here.

  4. 1. Purpose

    OETF #9 - OC Host Discovery Protocol is a host discovery protocol for local OC networks specified by OETF #7.



    This is specification for a binary data frame(a Lua string), sent over OETF #7 protocol with protocol number 0x0C.

    All frames are allowed to be sent as a broadcast or as a direct message.

    Prefix byte | Action                              | Payload
    0x01        | Peer IPv4 Advertisement             | 4 byte IPv4
    0x02        | IPv4 Discovery request              | Optional 4 byte IPv4
    [reserved]  |                                     |
    0x08        | Peer IPv6 Advertisement             | 16 byte IPv6
    0x09        | IPv6 Discovery request              | Optional 16 byte IPv6

    When a peer in a network receives a 'Discovery request', it MUST respond with a 'Peer Advertisement' massages with all addresses set on a given interface.

    When a peer is assigned an address is SHOULD broadcast a 'Peer Advertisement' message. Some implementations may choose to broadcast those is some set periods, if they choose to do so, it's recommended to set the interval to at least 60 seconds to not stress the network.

    Responses to 'Discovery request' frames SHOULD NOT be a broadcast messages.

    When there is no payload in 'Discovery request' frame, all addresses set on a given interface should be advertised.

    Implementations MAY choose to not implement filtering in 'Discovery request' frames, falling back to the no-payload behavior.

  5. I see no need for goto there:

    local function timer()
        local seconds = 0 
        while true do
            if reactor.getActive() then
                seconds = seconds + 1
            center(2, "Time Running: "..math.floor(seconds / 60)..":"..(seconds % 60))


  6. The following document is still a DRAFT and a subject to change, though protocol and assigned numbers should not change.


    1. Purpose

    ON2 - OCNet L2 protocol - is a very simple standard is aimed at advanced network stacks. It provides protocol tagging and optional vlan separation for devices that support it.

     2. Protocol

    ON2 utilizes the fact that OpenComputers network message can have multiple parameters. When a message(data frame) is sent using ON2 layer, the implementation sets first data parameter to protocol number and passes the data via second data argument. Port number(if supported by device) can be used as VLAN tag allowing network separation. Default port number(vlan) is 1

    Here is an example modem call for sending data frame with protocol 0x46 (IP frame):

    component.invoke(modem, "send", dest, vlan, 0x46, ip_data)

    3. Implementation recommendations

    Each network stack implementation should default to listening and sending on port 1. If packet of with unknown protocol number is received is should be silently dropped. Implementations should pass local/remote address and interface information(modem ID, vlan or interface object) to higher layers.

    4. Protocol numbers:

    Protocols are identified by numbers assigned in table below.

    | 0x0C            | OC HOST DISCOVERY  | OETF #9              |
    | 0x46            | IPv4 or IPv6 Frame | RFC791 and RFC2460   |
    | 0xCF            | OHCP CONFIG PROTO  | OETF #10             |
    | 0x1000          | MultICE            | ???                  |
    | Above 0xFFFF    | User defined       | N/A                  |


    You can apply for assigning protocol number by a post in this thread. 

  7. I was away from OC for pretty long now, and I haven't got time to play with it/fix existing errors. There is new version of mpt waiting in PR(https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/2094) which fixes mentioned bug. ssh and other network related programs are huge mess as of now because I'm in progress of rewriting network stack to real ipv4/v6(I have ipv4, udp, basic icmp, RIPv2 protocols implemented as of now, and ~30% of TCP implementation). Most network programs still need to be adjusted for this API(It's not hard, just needs to be done). I consider moving big chunk of Plan9k to GitHub(OPPM) to make contributions easier.

  8. Super nice, but:

    * Scroll in license in installer is crashing

    * You should really consider using some package manager like OPPM/MPT for that

    * I have a strong feeling that this was ported from CC, structure of the files sort of doesn't fit OpenOS, have a look at this http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/linux_file_structure.jpg

    * With package manager packages wouldn't create mess in root directory

    * you REALLY, REALLY should use something like /home/[user]/Desktop/SomeApp.app, or at least /root/Desktop/some.app for app launchers, having all things inside the root (/) directory is not nice at all.


    Other loose suggestion for you is that you could adapt plan9k kernel(pipes package on mpt), to get multitasking and more security due to sandboxing. Learning how to use it may be a bit hard, but if you'd have a go at it you can catch me on IRC. Your entrypoint would be /bin/init.lua and you wouldn't have to modify Full OS to plug your functionality into something above BIOS level

    More on mpt: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/92-mpt-minecraft-packaging-toolbeta/


    The whole system looks really nice. In case it'd stay on top of OpenOS, it only needs some work here-and-there, like translations of things, small bugfixes, and it would be even worth seeing it on loot disk.

    And YAY, first(?) proper gui based shell/os in OC world.

  9. About the network floppy - it works over wireless networks, but is in a way broken when you move between different access points(i.e. physical nodes aren't auto-discovered for now). Also the network has dedicated API - use `man network`. Sending data to custom bound addresses via bare components won't work.

  10. Hello, sorry for reponsing that late, but I'm not really into the forums, I'm reachable via IRC more.


    anyways, looking at code of server A I see the

    function incoming(origin, port, data)

    it should be

    function incoming(_, origin, port, data)

    This seems to be 99% of the problem

  11. tony1485, Thats what all this is meant for. The only thing I use github for here is secure authentication(secure even without using https). Repository are there to group packages, one repository can be used by more than one person. Packages are like file archieves, they also can say what other packages they'd like to be present in system(i.e. dependencies). You can develop your programs directly in the IDE, and after saving file instantly update it and test in OC computer




    Yep. This one works much like real one - but it's a little simpler.



    Basic system setup/configuration/howto/whatever

    The most important part of every global DNS system are root-server. In real life there are 13 of these, but for Minecraft one server should be enough(ofc. you can have more root-servers). To be able to use DNS system the client must know at least one root server. Now let's say we want few domains in our system:

    • example.org.
    • sub.example.org.
    • populardomain.org.

    Now we create example network of 3 servers, with addresses addr1, addr2, addr3


    The first server will be root server, the second will operate .org. zone and last one .example.org.


    Now you may wonder what are these dots after addresses - They are 'zones'. So for example address 'sub.example.org.' requires asking 3 zones to get address. Going from back, the first zone is the 'root zone' and is stored on root server. Root zone knows .org. zone and asks it about sub.example, then .org. asks .example.org. about sub.example.org.


    In my implementation there are 2 types of fields:

    a - address

    ns - name server - address of other DNS server that may know more about zone it is contained in.


    If requested record could not be found on server, the user will be directed to 'nearest' name server that may know something more.


    This way we can configure our servers to contain following fields:

    server 1(addr1) - root server
    ZONE org.
        NS -> addr2
    ZONE net.
        NS -> otheraddr
    server 2(addr2)
    ZONE org.
        ZONE populardomain.com.
            A -> addresstohost1
        ZONE example.org
            NS -> addr3
    server 3(addr3)
    ZONE org.
        ZONE example.org.
            A  -> exampleaddr1
            ZONE sub.example.org.
                A  -> exampleaddr2

    Do the thing in real minecraft life


    All steps require servers with OSes on HDD!!


    Server 3:

    Put some floppy to server(or small hdd)

    [Install dnsserver]
    # fddid

     chose drive and set label 'example'


    Do same thing with Server 2 and 1(root server), but set labels like 'org' and 'root', then

    Root server(Server 1):

    Put floppy/hdd labeled with 'org' or whatever

    # nsctl setfdd ns orgDriveLabel org

    Then on the .org server(Server 2) put example.org fdd/hdd

    # nsctl setfdd ns exampleOrgDriveLabel example.org
    # nsctl set a addresstohost1 populardomain.com

    And finally on the third server do:

    # nsctl set a exampleaddr1 example.org
    # nsctl set a exampleaddr2 sub.example.org

    After doing all that stuff on the client set the root dns using the fdd/hdd created earlier:

    # resvctl setroot fdd rootFddOrHddLabel

    Finally on the client you should be able to do:

    # resolv sub.example.org

    and see 'exampleaddr2' as a result


    (Of course you can design the network in any way you want, you may create any TLD's you want, you may use TLS's as any other domain, and you can store the whole system on one server)





    # pastebin run KaATrNkb
    # mpt ppa add m6koc

    Then, for servers:

    # mpt install dnsserver
    # reboot

    reboot is required to get server running

    Or clients:

    # mpt install dns


    The 'dns' package provides super-simple API for resolving, in fact only one function, returning requested computer card address

    dns.resolv(hostname: string):string


    • Check this post for mistakes
    • Create cache'ing servers to speed-up things
    • find better way of carrying addresses than fdd/hdds(Ideas?)




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