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[OC Glasses] programmable in-game characters WIP project

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The idea of this project is to literally write and program your own characters, kind of like designing a game.


I don't have much progress on this as of yet, but I'll edit this later (if I can)

if anyone knows of any resources to help me out, it would be much appreciated. :)


currently the requirements are:

- my request for a T3 drone (sadly you need to use a creative drone case for this)


^ the devs won't implement this, they think this (maxed) configuration is almost the same as a creative drone (I don't see the comparison)

my request:







I think it's a pretty sensable request, and you won't have to ask server admins for a creative drone case just to pull off the idea :)

(it's sad you should have to ask for a creative item to begin with)

issue here: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1320#issuecomment-124515465


maxed items:

T3%20Drone%20Max.png!= T4%20Drone%20Max.png

how are those nearly equal!?

- a server, which can hold 2 linked cards (enough for 2 characters)


- a PC which will run the rendering program using the information returned from multiple servers (if you want like 8 or more characters)

do note all the drones do is collect and lightly process information about the 9 chunks around it's position (above it's associate character), and store it for quick and easy access.


I'm currently working on the LUA on copy, so if it's possible for me to download the scripts shared from copy to the OC workspace, please let me know. :)

thanks :)

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no I havn't died, though I'm sure the mighty pirates would have wished that... lol

if OC wasn't so limited I wouldn't have a beef to complain about... heh

but even the so-called "creative" stuff is limited (there's only 1 legit creative item, being the debug card for it's world manipulation)


if the cases and drones and such were creative, they wouldn't need slots or a power buffer because they would already have access to all the components and upgrades with infinite power with as much RAM and CPU power as Java would allow.


well anyways... after experimenting with OC and what it can do...

it's far too slow to kick something decent out of this idea...


I won't say it's not possible, but I will say it'll use a butt-load of resources just to render a few polygons at anything above 1FPS.


OpenGlasses only supports enough to render colored polygons and does not support per-vertex colors, nor does it even do depth testing,

we means we'll need to determine the distance between the player and the polygon to determine which polygons to draw first...

face normals can be emulated using the polygon color and the player position with an average of the polygon's points...


but again... this will use waaaay too many resources to be able to do all this in LUA...

Ender-RAM would help to be able to use multiple computers to work on the program, since variables could be shared across computers...

(I strongly disregard using a RAID to share data across computers as that would majorly kill your machine's HDD, especially on Windows using NTFS)

but even with that... it's too much work just to draw a cluster of polygons.


so I'll be working on my own mod from a friend's idea on one of my forum's RP's.

(credit to Loggren aka RickyTheVoice because the concept was his idea)

^ although I've heard the concept mentioned by 3 different people in total, with him being the first.


I'm calling it the Hard Light Projector which uses the power of Ender space-time manipulation (ender upgrade) to project hard-light particles across dimensions.

note that more power will be used to project hard-light across a distance.


what is hard-light?

to put it simply hard light is collidable light.

you can use it to:

- project platforms to jump across

- secure your base with a "force field"

- cloak or replace your player model

- define entities in the world (mobs or pets)

- program tools weapons or magical abilities

- build virtual worlds


yes that means entities can break blocks as well


I'l talk more about protecting yourself from hard-light in another thread for this mod.

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