Plazter 0 Posted April 29, 2017 Share Posted April 29, 2017 Hello folks!, i've been working on this little program for a few days, and think im at the final stage i want it to be in. - This is the first program i share on here, hope you will enjoy it ^^ PASTEBIN //Plazter ADDED FAILSAFE FUNCTION, Note: In the Vars you're able to set a temperature you want it to turn off at, and set it on or off. The fail safe is on by default. Picture + code: Code: --[[ // MADE BY...: Plazter // Date......: 29. April 2017 // Mod:......: OpenComputers // // Note: This program contains a debug tool, thats intented for you to use // to figure out where to get your clicks, incase a button or something // is not working correctly. if you use this program, i hope you will // Enjoy it. --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ WRAPPINGS ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ component = require("component") reactor = component.draconic_reactor FluxGateOutput = component.proxy(component.get("61f04087-c625-45db-b2ab-294f808749a4")) -- 61f04087-c625-45db-b2ab-294f808749a4 FluxGateShield = component.proxy(component.get("b0c649d1-fac1-48bd-bc57-d1f448439233")) term = require("term") gpu = component.gpu event = require("event") keyboard = require("keyboard") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ TABLES ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ args = {...} colors = { black = 0x000000, white = 0xf8f8ff, blue = 0x0000ff, lightGray = 0xd9d9d9, red = 0xff0000, purple = 0x9b30ff, carrot = 0xffa500, magenta = 0xcd00cd, lightBlue = 0x87cefa, yellow = 0xffff00, lime = 0x32cd32, pink = 0xffc0cb, gray = 0x696969, brown = 0x8b4500, green = 0x006400, cyan = 0x008b8b, olive = 0x6b8e23, gold = 0x8b6914, orangered = 0xdb4e02, diamond = 0x0fa7c7,crimson = 0xaf002a,fuchsia = 0xfd3f92, folly = 0xff004f, frenchBlue = 0x0072bb, lilac = 0x86608e, flax = 0xeedc82, darkGray = 0x563c5c, englishGreen = 0x1b4d3e, eggplant = 0x614051, deepPink = 0xff1493, ruby = 0x843f5b, orange = 0xf5c71a, lemon = 0xffd300, darkBlue = 0x002e63, bitterLime = 0xbfff00 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ VARIABLES ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Border_bg = colors.white Default_bg = text_col = status_col = failsafe = true failSafeTemp = 6500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ FUNCTIONS ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function guiBorders(x,y,len,height,str) -- BORDER FUNC FOR GUI gpu.setBackground(Border_bg) gpu.fill(x,y,len,height,str) gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) end function GUI() -- SETS THE GUI LAYOUT (GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE) gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) term.clear() w, h = gpu.getResolution() guiBorders(1,1,w,1," ") for i = 1,h do guiBorders(1,i,1,1," ") guiBorders(w,i,1,1," ") end guiBorders(1,h,w,1," ") gpu.setForeground(text_col) end function Center(y,text) -- CENTERS TEXT w, h = gpu.getResolution() term.setCursor((w-string.len(text))/2+1, y) term.write(text) end function info(title,x,y) -- Rewriting of gpu.set gpu.set(x,y,title) end function InfoUpdate(y, text) -- Text for function UPDATE w, h = gpu.getResolution() place = (w-string.len(text))-2 gpu.set(place, y, text) end function display() -- Text to load onto screen on launch -- TITLE Center(2, "{{ Draconic Reactor }}") -- Info Title info("Temperature",2,4) info("Shield",2,6) info("Generation Rate", 2,8) info("RF Output", 2, 10) info("RF Net gain", 2,12) info("Energy Saturation", 2, 14) info("Fuel Conversion Rate", 2,16) -- Button Panel Center(18, "Set Output") Center(19, "<<< << < = > >> >>>") Center(21, "Set State") Center(22, "Charge - Online - Offline") end function UPDATE() -- The Information we want to keep update InfoUpdate(5, " "..tostring(temperature).." C") -- Temperature InfoUpdate(7," "..string.format("%2.f",perc*100).." %") -- Shield % InfoUpdate(9," "..tostring(gen).." RF/T") -- Generating InfoUpdate(11, " "..tostring(FluxGateOutput.getFlow()).." RF/t") -- What the Current output is set to. InfoUpdate(13," ".. tostring(FluxGateOutput.getFlow() -FluxGateShield.getFlow()).." RF/t") -- The total gain in rf InfoUpdate(15, " "..string.format("%.3f",tostring(reactorInfo.energySaturation / reactorInfo.maxEnergySaturation * 100)).." %") -- The --energy Saturation InfoUpdate(17, tostring(reactorInfo.fuelConversionRate).." nB/t") -- Fuel use end function getPress(line) -- Reads where we press, and set it as we wishes it if x ~= nil and y ~= nil then if x >= 32 and x <= 37 and y == 22 then -- Online reactor.activateReactor() gpu.setBackground(status_col) gpu.set(32,22, "Online") gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) gpu.set(23,22, "Charge") gpu.set(41,22,"Offline") elseif x >= 23 and x <= 28 and y == 22 then -- Charge reactor.chargeReactor() gpu.setBackground(status_col) gpu.set(23,22, "Charge") gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) gpu.set(32,22, "Online") gpu.set(41,22, "Offline") elseif x >= 41 and x <= 47 and y == 22 then --Ofline reactor.stopReactor() gpu.setBackground(status_col) gpu.set(41,22, "Offline") gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) gpu.set(23,22, "Charge") gpu.set(32,22,"Online") end if x >= 23 and x <= 29 and y == line then -- <<< FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut - 10000) elseif x >= 30 and x <= 32 and y == line then -- << FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut - 1000) elseif x >= 33 and x <= 34 and y == line then -- < FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut - 100) end if x >= 36 and x <= 37 and y == line then -- > FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut + 100) elseif x >= 38 and x <= 41 and y == line then -- >> FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut + 1000) elseif x >= 42 and x <= 46 and y == line then -- >>> FluxGateOutput.setFlowOverride(currOut + 10000) end end end function FailSafe() if failsafe then if temperature > failSafeTemp then reactor.stopReactor() gpu.setBackground(status_col) gpu.set(41,22, "Offline") gpu.setBackground(Default_bg) gpu.set(23,22, "Charge") gpu.set(32,22,"Online") end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ PROGRAM INITATION ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gpu.setResolution(70,23) GUI() -- Loads screen layout display() -- Loads Text Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ MAIN LOOP ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while true do --UPDATING VARS THAT NEEDS TO BE HERE -- reactorInfo = reactor.getReactorInfo() target = 0.30 currShield = reactorInfo.fieldStrength maxShield = reactorInfo.maxFieldStrength perc = (currShield/maxShield) shieldDrain = reactorInfo.fieldDrainRate shieldStr = reactorInfo.fieldStrength temperature = reactorInfo.temperature currOut = FluxGateOutput.getFlow() gen = reactorInfo.generationRate -- FUNCTIONS TO KEEP LOOKING UP -- UPDATE() getPress(19) FailSafe() -- EVENT LISTENER _,_,x,y = event.pull(1, "touch") -- DEBUG TOOL if args[1] == "debug" then if x ~= nil and y~= nil then Center(16,"X: ".. x .." Y: "..y) end end -- TERMINATE PROGRAM AND RESTORE RESOLUTION if keyboard.isKeyDown(keyboard.keys.w) and keyboard.isControlDown() then term.clear() w,h = gpu.maxResolution() gpu.setResolution(w,h) os.exit() end end Quote Link to post Share on other sites