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Everything posted by kristibek

  1. Maybe it could feature persistence, just like OpenOS currently does
  2. There should be an addon mod that implements a Lua 5.1 CPU and a CraftOS floppy disk (maybe even a ComputerCraft EEPROM). Programs ran on it would behave exactly like they would in ComputerCraft. The CraftOS floppy should work similarly to the OpenOS one (CraftOS runs from floppy by default but with an install command to install to local disk). There should also be support for all OpenComputers as well as ComputerCraft peripherals (including from other mods) Disclaimer: This was not originally my idea. Credits go to https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2976
  3. Hi, I use your programme five years later, works perfectly. Thank
  4. Hi, Is this allways an issue? I play on a server using "the 1.7.10 pack" mod pack whith open computer and I don't know if this can update easily whithout breaking the pack. Tanks for your help.
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