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About MoparDan

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  1. UPDATE Molinko, thank you soooooo much! That helped out ALOT on how it works, and it also pointed out a different flaw (or more like a difference between how OC and CC work). I had to do some tweaks to it to get it to work properly within its script, but it helped out a ton, thank you! I will update the first post 'soonish' with this change.
  2. Nah, I don't think I am being harsh, just realistic. As for for the lua pil, do you recommend the red one or the blue one? But seriously, is there a good reference (other then the one linked on the main site that is) that provides a more "tutorial" method of learning more into lua? I know some argue that "copy-pasta" from a tutorial doesn't teach you anything, but for myself the best teaching aid (personally that is) is to 'learn by example'.
  3. Haha, "poorly optimized" is an understatement, and thank you for the feedback/input on it! It was a "quick and dirty" port just to get it working into OC. I am sure if you opened up the ComputerCraft version and compared it to this, you will see it is almost identical with 'just' enough changes to make it work. I find it very interesting how that whole for loop was replaced by a simple mon.fill and mon.set (if I am understanding this correctly)...I never even thought about that. Like I stated before, I know 'just' enough LUA to be dangerous with it, but I don't fully know its 'ins and outs
  4. I am all for feedback, hints, tips, you name it, thank you! To be honest, the reason why I used pastebin instead is because they can simply use the pastbin get command to easily download them from within the game itself. Granted, it is just as easy to open up the folder in single player and drop them in, but on a MP server, its not quite as easy. As for putting it on OpenPrograms, to be honest, I don't feel right about it. I mean, yes, I am sure quite a few people can make very good use of it from doing so, but on the other hand, I am not the original creator of this API, I just merely por
  5. Will do, and thank you for a reply! I guess the issue I was having when I tried using them in a table is that I just couldn't get the functions to work (I.E. threw an error while trying to call them). When they are in a table like that, how would you call them? would it be: local test = require("testAPI") local term = require("term") test.fred("Some Text!") Or would it be: local test = require("testAPI") local term = require("term") fred("Some Text!") That was the issue I was having when trying to put them into a table. EDIT: Ugh, I really need to just look at what I am do
  6. Changelog: First and foremost, yes, this is a port of DW20's button API from ComputerCraft. Why do his? Because his is a rather simple API and it provided a challenge, at least for me, to learn more about OC. When I did the port, it is more or less a direct port, so any limitations, or bugs (if any) were present in it, are still there. The only change I made to his api is that I made the button flash delay configurable from your script so you shouldn't have to edit the API itself to change it. Now, for some of the issues I noticed from this API running on OC: 1. It does fully wo
  7. Even though I do love OC, it seems either the boards are either not very active or simply nobody knew the answer. Nonetheless, I have stumbled across the answer through experimentation. It seems that with OC, once the library is loaded in the "main" script (the 'local api = require("api")' bit), you don't need to make calls to your library directly, but simply just call the function itself. Using my example 'test' above: test.fred("And this is!") -- calling the 'testAPI.lua' this way will throw the error but.... fred("And this is!") -- properly calls the function 'fred' from the 'tes
  8. So, from what I am understanding this "should" work but I keep getting the the following error: attempt to index local 'test' (a function value) error. here is the "test" (main) file local test = require("testAPI") local term = require("term") term.write("This is NOT from the api!") test.fred("And this is!") And here is the "testAPI.lua" file: local term = require("term") function fred(text) term.write(text) end function george() term.write("should not see this unless george was called!") end and when I run it I get: /# test This is NOT from the API! /test:5: attempt to inde
  9. Hello everybody! My first posting and first real OC code, so please be gentle . The reason why I made this is because I got tired of lack of bundled cable support in CC (at the current moment in 1.6.4) and one of the things I greatly enjoyed doing in CC was making button GUI's to control various things for me. This code is highly unoptimized, even as I post this I can see areas that can be greatly optimized, but meh, I'm too lazy atm to do it My one question is how do you change it so you dont have to "sneak-click" the monitor to use the touch feature? One thing to note of import
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