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  1. Sorry for the delay. Here's a link to my log yesterday when the server went into TPS 0 mode and wouldn't respond to anything. I had gone back to the original FTB Revelation 1.8.0 version of Extreme Reactors to stop the server crashing, but yesterday I tried the latest version of that and it's dependancy zerocore. Server ran fine for about an hour then just stopped resonding as you can see from the logs. The initial crash at the start of the log is me trying BRGC again on the older Extreme Reactors mod. As you can see from the end of the log, the newest ER mod stops the user from logg
  2. I was getting the 0 TPS as well when I upgraded ER to when trying to fix my server crashes. Would go to 0 as soon as I switched on the OpenComputer setup. Had to forcefully shut down the server. So I'm back to the old version of ER that comes with Revelation 1.8.0. My original crashes seemed to happen straight away if I have 3 or more turbines, which points to what XyFreak mentioned about turbines being the cause, 1 or 2 turbines seems to run fine, although my server did crash again with the same issue after about 4 days, so I've turned off the OpenComputer setup and left the turb
  3. @XyFreak thank you, I'll get that updated on our server and give it a go. I did a little more experimenting this evening whilst no-one else was on our server and I could keep the server up and running with 2 turbines on the go, but as soon as a third was added in the server crashed after a short while. I had downgraded my Draconic Energy Store since I couldn't remember it crashing on the tier 1, but it did crash with the 3 turbines, so I'm guessing it is the turbines like you say. Love your BRGC program so really want to get it working on our server :_)
  4. Hi, I'm having issues with the Grid component when using Draconic Evolution. If I have an opencomputers adapter connected to the top of a Draconic Energy Pylon, then the server crashes after it's finished calibrating the turbines/reactor, with the following error: Description: Exception ticking world java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerChunkMap.func_72693_b(SourceFile:114)
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