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Posts posted by ComputerErika

  1. Basically, I am trying to set up a program that can install other programs on the main disk of the computer. The way I have tried so far is to have an init.lua file on the floppy that will copy everything on the /Files/ folder to the main HD. If you want to see my code click HERE. What I want is some way to get my address and find a hard drive to install to. In the log when there is no hard drive it still logs 2 filesystem components, my self and something else that I can't find on the computer. What is this and how do I find the hard drive? Right now to find the floppy installing the program is to have a file called "notme" which basically means "do not install to me" and then that would be me. Then I search for any other file on the computer and copy my files, which right now is just a program that continuously beeps, there. I would really like some help!

  2. So, I was thinking about making a survival friendly super nexus. Like it would have a bunch of microcontrollers with a linked card linked to another computer, Only a pair of linked cards can be made so why not have all linked card all connect back to the nexus, in the spawn chunks, and be able to send it to any other microcontroller in the nexus to send the data to where you want it to go! Boom! Infinite Linked cards! Right? Wrong.  Microcontrollers can't hold tunnel cards... So I was wondering if any of you had any ideas about making a world internet that any computer can access? If there any mod that has portal blocks that can connect OC cables?

  3. Was checking out the entity detector in the new patch, 1.0-8 and made this program to find entities with it:


    local d = require("component").os_entdetector
    local e = require("event")
    local f = " "
    local bla = function(type, adress, name, range, x, y, z)


    For some reason, the x, y, and z are all nil when I run this. Decided not to report this as it might just be an Error in my code...

    Any help is appreciated! :)  

  4. I FIGURED IT OUT!!! YEAH!!! OK, so what I did is when to the .minecraft folder and then went to my save for that world and put the .dfpmw file on a computer with the address folder in the opencomputer folder in the save of the world. Then I wrote it to the tape and played it and it works!!! YEAH!!! I AM SO HAPPY :D

    EDIT: Still think they should do a tutorial on this. Maybe I'll do it... HMM

  5. So I was checking out the computronics tape drive and used LionRay to convert a wav file to a dfpmw file and now I don't know how to get it into open computers... Was using wget and tried Dropbox and Google drive as a way to download it but it still won't work...

  6. So I know that if you have a file in the /bin folder you can easily access it anywhere... But I want to make another folder accessible from anywhere... But I don't know the file that describes where the bin folders are...

    Any help is appreciated! :D

  7. Ok!!! So I have been working my butt off to get this to work. It is a wirelessly controlled microcontroller! And if you have a look at the code you might notice that it DOES NOT HAVE SPACING! I RAN OUT OF EEPROM SPACE OK!!! DO NOT COMMENT ABOUT THAT!!! Ok... This took a long time to work all this out but I think its great!


    Network Cards (not sure about computronics spoofing card though)

    Wireless Network Cards (both tiers)

    Linked Cards (my personal favorite)






    Remote Door Control

    Remote Redstone Control



    Step One - Set up a pc that can edit EEPROMs (I use the flash command)

    Step Two - Download the Pastebin file using  this command: pastebin get BrhTgvET RCMICROBIOS

    Step There - Upload it to the EEPROM. I use this command: flash RCMICROBIOS

    Step Four - Make a Microcontroller: Must include these things 1. A Modem of any kind 2. A sign upgrade 3.  The EEPROM that you just made

    Step Five - Place down the Microcontroller where you want then fill out a sign on ITS FACE like this: LINE1 = name of microcontroller LINE2 = password LINE3 = port (nothing if using a linked card)


    A. component.modem.broadcast(217,"DOOR A", "password123", "component.proxy(component.list(\"redstone\")()).setOutput(2,1)") --Yes you most call components this way on a EEPROM

    B. component.tunnel.send("DOOR A", "password123", "local R = component.proxy(component.list(\"redstone\")())") --But you can just save them as variables

    C. component.modem.broadcast(217,"DOOR A","password123","return R.getInput(2)") --it can even return data to you in a SERIALIZED packet! YAY! :D



    And that's about it. If you have any suggestions just say so! I'll try to make this as great as possible!

  8. OMG, I just realized that you can just save data in the system! You don't need a database upgrade to store data about Items! *facepalm*

    You can just save it as a file and read the item data from a transposer! I AM SO DUMB! xD

    Going to make an item storing API soon...

  9. So I was checking out the transposer and how to moves items around from inventories. One thing I found is the store command but it needs a database to store the data in, and I don't know where to put the database upgrade either because I cant just put it in the computer. Any way to create a database on a computer?

  10. So I was checking out the transposer and how to moves items around from inventories. One thing I found is the store command but it needs a database to store the data in, and I don't know where to put the database upgrade either because I cant just put it in the computer. Any way to create a database on a computer?

  11. Ok!!! :D Hello! So... I was going along. Coding more for the OpenComputer RFTools Dialing Program when I found out about DRONES! I immediately went and checked them out, and found out there "Basically the microcontrollers of robots." Witch I was sorta sad that you cant have a hard drive on them and so forth, Plus you only have a limited space in the bios that the drone runs on. Anyway, I wanted to find a way to run all the stuff remotely so the drone wouldn't have to do any of the processing. Like a separate computer would tell the drone what to do over a wireless network, but because I wanted it to work at whatever distance I then just used linked cards. This is the bios I use to run the drone: 

    local d = component.proxy(component.list("drone")())
    local t = component.proxy(component.list("tunnel")())
    while true do
      local evt,_,sender,_,_,name,cmd,a,b,c = computer.pullSignal()
      if evt == "modem_message" and name == d.name() then
        if cmd == "gst" then
        if cmd == "sst" then
        if cmd == "mov" then
        if cmd == "gos" then
        if cmd == "gve" then
        if cmd == "gmv" then
        if cmd == "gac" then
        if cmd == "sac" then
        if cmd == "glc" then
        if cmd == "slc" then
        if cmd == "dct" then
          local b, s = d.detect(a)
        if cmd == "cmp" then

    LINK TO PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/cfgsdmQJ

    So you would run and create the programs on a separate computer or tablet. This made it much easier for me to code it plus I get to use all my APIs! Here is the start of a drone control program:

    local t = require("component").tunnel --or modem if thats what you use
    local event = require("event")
    function doDrone(dronename,dronecommand,arg1,arg2,arg3)
      _, _, _, _, _, name, command, respond1, respond2 = event.pull("modem_message")
      return {name, command, respond1, respond2}
    doDrone("DAVE","mov",0,3,0) --this would make it move up there blocks!

    All the commands, like "mov", and what arguments they need, and how they respond are in the drone control bios above! (One above the one above, so like two above)

    I plan on adding support for all the drop components like navigation and such, Or you could do that yourself! :D 

  12. Ok!!! :D Hello! So... I was going along. Coding more for the OpenComputer RFTools Dialing Program when I found out about DRONES! I immediately went and checked them out, and found out there "Basically the microcontrollers of robots." Witch I was sorta sad that you cant have a hard drive on them and so forth, Plus you only have a limited space in the bios that the drone runs on. Anyway, I wanted to find a way to run all the stuff remotely so the drone wouldn't have to do any of the processing. Like a separate computer would tell the drone what to do over a wireless network, but because I wanted it to work at whatever distance I then just used linked cards. This is the bios I use to run the drone: 

    local d = component.proxy(component.list("drone")())
    local t = component.proxy(component.list("tunnel")())
    while true do
      local evt,_,sender,_,_,name,cmd,a,b,c = computer.pullSignal()
      if evt == "modem_message" and name == d.name() then
        if cmd == "gst" then
        if cmd == "sst" then
        if cmd == "mov" then
        if cmd == "gos" then
        if cmd == "gve" then
        if cmd == "gmv" then
        if cmd == "gac" then
        if cmd == "sac" then
        if cmd == "glc" then
        if cmd == "slc" then
        if cmd == "dct" then
          local b, s = d.detect(a)
        if cmd == "cmp" then

    LINK TO PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/cfgsdmQJ

    So you would run and create the programs on a separate computer or tablet. This made it much easier for me to code it plus I get to use all my APIs! Here is the start of a drone control program:

    local t = require("component").tunnel --or modem if thats what you use
    local event = require("event")
    function doDrone(dronename,dronecommand,arg1,arg2,arg3)
      _, _, _, _, _, name, command, respond1, respond2 = event.pull("modem_message")
      return {name, command, respond1, respond2}
    doDrone("DAVE","mov",0,3,0) --this would make it move up there blocks!

    All the commands, like "mov", and what arguments they need, and how they respond are in the drone control bios above! (One above the one above, so like two above)

    I plan on adding support for all the drop components like navigation and such, Or you could do that yourself! :D 

  13. @Vexatos @Sangar

    Hello! I would like to have a repository on OpenPrograms.

    Here is the first program I wrote: https://pastebin.com/Xc3mg7Aw (Its a dialing program for RFTools dialing device. Its a teleporter controller!)

    I spent many hours on it. I really love coding and will make more programs as fast as I can!

    Opencomputers is my favorite mod! Thanks for putting all the hard work into it! :)

    If I am missing any qualifications to have a repository then let me know!

    BTW I'm new to Lua (But have coded in Java and also used GMS2) so my work might not be the most efficient!

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