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Posts posted by Marzolan

  1. @XyFreak,

    Yes, I have seen what you mean about the excessive cool down time... yikes!

    Since a full load of Awakened Draconium can, then, at most product 7 large fragments, which is 87.5% conversion, I just hard coded a 90% conversion shutoff check in for the purposes of using it as a breeder reactor. I might tinker with that a bit more at some point, but for now it lets me keep it moving at a reasonable pace.

    Thanks again for your help and advice!

  2. @XyFreak,

    I spent some more time with it today and I can confirm that the failsafe section is the culprit. I decided to just modify it by changing

    reactorInfo.temperature < self.limitTemperature


    reactorInfo.temperature < (self.limitTemperature * 1.1)

    to mimic the original intent of having it shutdown at 10% beyond the limitTemperature. Yes, it makes the failsafe slightly less... well... safe, but it work for my needs.

    I think I also know why the simulator disagrees with my setup. I have plenty of power to spare, and I'm not concerned about running the reactor at a deficit while playing with the breeder configuration. Even an extreme deficit can be dealt with reasonably well with the amount of power stored in the base being used for this. I didn't want to deal with an explosion while paying though so I bumped the drainback multiplier to 1.5. That appears to be causing the first part of the failsafe line to become false, as you suspected. If I read that failsafe line correctly, you're basically trying to ensure that shield power consumption isn't grosely exceeding reactor production, which is perfectly reasonable for a reactor intended to generate power. So I ran afoul of that by pushing this so hard.

    Thanks for looking at it! I'm off and running a very... let's call it exciting... breeder reactor. :)

  3. Hello!

    Thank you for putting this all together. i'm finding it fun to play with the configuration file and see what all I can make this thing do.

    I am running into a problem however. When using the breeding reactor config as demonstrated on your website, the large exponent seems to cause a problem with how you're calculating the shutdown point in the event of an overtemperature scenario. With that config file the reactor should shut down at 11K due to overtemp, but instead as soon as it hits the limitTemp of 10K it shuts down. I'm guessing there's a floting point number limitation going on, but I can't be sure as I'm not sure how all of this works behind the scenes. Assuming the +10% works in more standard configurations, the exponent is the only thing I can think of that might be causing trouble.

    If you could take a look, I'd appreciate it. I'm running draconic_control 1.4.2 and DE 1.12-

    Again, thanks for all the work on this.

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