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Ta©ti Tac0Z

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Posts posted by Ta©ti Tac0Z

  1. Hallo thanks You to help me and yes not spit but split and i will do it like this 


    Input_string = "abcareyougod"

    Data = string.gmatch(input_string, "'and now i Will write a code in here that Will split the string  in every 3  characters or what amunt i need but in this case 3'")

    while true do

    text = Data()


    if text==nil then break end












    And if You Can Will You then also tell me how to split it in to 2 strings like i mean in half


  2. hallo this is more then a lua question but i need to spit a string in a "specific amount of characters" i will use the:

    string.gmatch(string, "but what do I put in here???")

    I've looked in the lua wiki but I could not find it there

  3. hallo my compurers colors don't work only the black and grey and yes my computers gpu is a tiger 3 and a tiger 3 screen but it still can't use ccolors like blue and green and lime and i don't now why i use the component.gpu.setBackground api i don't no if ther is more whys to use colors in the mod but yes i can't get it to work


    plese help me some one

  4. srry for my English. i made a server program like a file server program and in the start it work fine but when i addet more to it is says to my:

    /server: 99: attempt to call field 'pull' (a nil value):

    stack traceback:

    /server:99: in function 'main'

    /server:309: in function 'main'

    /server:314: in main chunk

    [c]: in function 'xpcall'

    machine:751: in function 'xpcall'

    /lib/process.lua:78: in function </lib/process.lua:71>

    stack traceback:

    [c]: in function 'error'

    /lib/process.lua:92: in function <lib process.lua:71>


    if some one need a pastepin to help me the just sey it












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