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Posts posted by RandomRedMage

  1. O_O Wow, this is far and away a big step forward from the old api. And the window manager you've put together is essentially a rather functional shell to go over openos. Especially with that terminal window you got there. I'll definitely have to dig around in this and learn how it works. Such awesomeness happened while I was taking a break from minecraft stuff.

  2. On 6/2/2017 at 8:43 PM, thefelinecorgi said:

    I'm not sure if this is working right for me, I got the GUI downloaded and everything was up, I starting clicking the input on buttons, but at first nothing was happening. No particle affects, no damage, no potion affects, nothing. Then around option 6 or 7 I got hearts, and thought maybe I was just unlucky and 1 - 6 didn't do anything. The problem is from that point on, whenever I activated an input I started taking damage. And it wasn't just a few inputs, it was every input including inputs 1 - 6. I made sure that everything was set to off before turning on a new one and they all still damaged me.

    Nano machines are very lucksack on what abilities you can get. But it sounds like you might have too quickly activated/deactivated a flag. since the nanos can only accept one commands every second or two. One of your flags may have appeared as off in the program, but actually have still been on. By default the safe number of On flags, is 2. if you have 3 on, even if none of the flags actually have an effect, you will take damage. I fired up my program on an updated install, and still works fine for me.

    Give it a second or so between changing flags, I'm pretty derp when it comes to coding in lua, and while I can do some things, this program is very poorly optimized. And there really isn't any built in failsafe to check if a command went through properly or not. reinstall nano's and try again. I lucked out on my second use of nanos and basically became invincible.

  3. 6 hours ago, Plazter said:

    It would be cool if you'd give them some names so we know whats what, and do what :D

    mostly for us lazy ppl :b

    I would, but they would be useless to anyone other than me, in my current world, with my current set of nany machines. Nanomachines are randomized, so upon ingesting them, the different abilities you can get are completely random. For example, If I activate flag 5, and flag 7 I get Night Vision, Absorption, and Fire Protection. Someone else, may just get, water breathing or or haste. So it's best to test out what you can get and be careful. Instant damage is also a potential effect, and that can be a bit deadly. :P

    6 hours ago, Dustpuppy said:

    Nice Gui :D


    I had good resources to work with ;)

  4. No, just type the program. The file just goes down line by line executing each command in the list. So if you end it with an application it will launch the application. Super simple.

  5. It is, in the program showcase forum section, there is the Chen Thread Image Format post, that has an image viewer. And there is a converter to convert your images to the CTIF format to be viewed with it on an OC computer.

  6. In the /home folder, type ls -a, this will list all files in the home folder, one of them should be ".shrc" edit that file, on the last line, type the name of your program. It should launch the program at boot.

  7. 13 hours ago, tpzker said:

    I'm currently working on a new version, so when that comes out, I will make a more detailed tutorial (maybe even a small video tutorial)

    EDIT: OpenNet 2.0 will be much more secure, and more versatile.

    P.S. Along with a complete change, OpenNet 2.0 will come with Lua scripting on pages (will ask for user permission first, for security) or possibly a whole different scripting language.

    Simplified html, or something of that nature would likely be best, but the idea of hosted lua scripts is nice too.

  8. Ok I missed that bit, yea, if your trying to automatically pull the resolution, then it shouldn't be erroring in in the render function first, I couldn't get the program to work in my game, the test program for whatever reason was failing to pull the uiApi file.

    I wonder if it would be easier to build a wrapper to pass normal gpu functions to a second gpu without going whole ham on building a secondary rendering api alltogether?

  9. OK, I'm terrible at GUI code, but the page you referenced for the GPU stuff, is basic GPU binding mechanics, so, it looks like your trying to write a gui library that can handle multiple screens, and multiple GPUs. That in and of itself is a simple concept, HOWEVER, I think the FIRST thing you should be working on, is building an API to display to the second screen. and get that working. THEN work on the UI elements that you want to be able to use, such as windows, text fields, ect.

    OR, get your UI API done, and THEN work on getting multiple GPUs and Screens functioning, and then implement it into your new GUI API. I think diving headlong into both at once will bring you nothing but headaches.

    My first suggestion is the one I more suggest, mainly because if you build that first, you can get the GUI built on top of it, rather than needing to retrofit. Since You would want to be able to have functions setup such as print2("Hello") to print Hello to the second screen or something of that sort. In a sense, what you want to do, has to be done at the lowest level of programming in OpenComputers. Meaning to make coding it easier in the long run, you need to get real comfortable with the normal apis for writing to the screen, and then essentially duplicate them to write to other screens... because OpenOS doesn't functionally have this capability on its own, there are no APIs in place to handle it. I would love to see you succeed. Because this would be great to have an API for working with multiple screens. But I definately feel that this is a massive undertaking, especially if you want to have as much freedom in using the second screen as the first screen.

    The error in your screen shot, I think is referring to your code here, on line 180 of your api "self.targetGpu.setResolution(self.xMax, self.yMax)" in the biginning of your api, you defined xMax and yMax as nil. but in this function it wants them to be a number, in fact it NEEDS them to be a number because that is supposed to be the resolution for your screen or window or what have you. and if the x and y of that window are nil, it will error out.

  10. I haven't been here in a long while, mostly because life, the universe, and everything has been getting in the way of fun. Also, I'm usually an eternal lurker, but hey today I have a small contribution, As I have been playing I wanted a gui interface to easily turn on and off the different nanomachine flags. So I built a small application to do it. Right now it is super basic, but I hope to flesh it out a bit more and give it proper displays ect, so I dont have to do things as janky as I did here.

    Long story short, I'm bad at lua/coding/scripting in general, so its a little hamfisted and could prolly be streamlined a lot,

    As some basic prerequisites, it needs a computer or tablet with a teir 2 graphics card, and a wireless card.

    I used Dustpuppies gui api found here: 

    It was really helpful, and made setting up an interface really simple.


    Screenshot below~ 

    Pastebinlink: https://pastebin.com/wrxi0726

    Buttons that say on, turn flags on, buttons that say off turn flags off. super simple nonsense.

    arguments~ you can launch the file with the argument '-s' and this will skip a 'loading' screen I coded into it. The loading screen, is just a visual representation of the program turn off all nanomachine flags one by one. since nanomachines will only respond to commands once every second or so. I did this as I am still learning and figureing things out with network messages, and sending is easier than receiving for me, lol and telling the nanos to turn everything off was easier than asking the nanos whats turned on, and setting the buttons up to match it at launch. Mainly because I am dense, and it's going to take a little time to work things out and hammer it into my mind how to do this.



    Thanks for taking a look at my nonsense. If you have any suggestions, or contributions, please, speak up. D: seriously I wont learn exactly how terrible I am at this without your help, and in turn wont get any better. I made this because I wanted to, and the only nanomachine control app I was able to find was just a text based type thigns application. [though that application has been helpful in setting this up and will likely be helpful in continuing work on this program. As I believe every nanomachine function is in use by it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl3zGcTh67w that's the program. I picked apart to learn how to do this and stuff. D


  11. help!!! i cant boot the os!! 

    Make sure the processor is set to Lua 5.2 I noticed it doesnt boot right when running on 5.3 shift right click while holding the processor to switch between architectures.


    i selected the english version but when i open 3d printing program is in russian 

    sorry for bad english

    Yea a lot of the applications are still in russian I asked about it on his youtube page, he said he would work on it and post them up soon. :) hopefully he does. He's made a lot of really well done videos about the OS and other things showcasing MineOS and its features, he speaks insanely fast and in russian in all of them, so I have no clue what hes saying but he sounds good saying it at least LOL.

  12. Is an interesting Graphical Shell, functional at least, I like that it has libraries for images ect... I'd love to see something like this wrapping around plan9k with its threading and such. Could possibly get a lot more speed out of it. 


    Was able to get it loaded on an openOS 1.6 machine, but I had to drop back down to Lua 5.2 to actually use the OS. Kind of a shame, I rely on lua 5.3 for some of the other applications I run. Hope you stay with it, I love that you have a VK client, even if im not russian and couldnt use that social media site if I wanted, its really cool that its there. :D


    UPDATE: I do not know if it is related to this GUI, but I'll update my post here, after installing MineOS Eventually I started to notice more lag on my game. At first I thought it was due to just the os being more intensive, but I dont think thats the issue as I can have another machine render images in sequence for psuedo animation in a loop without any performance hit..... after a lot of tearing apart my modpack [a modded Resonant Rise 3 pack] I found other errors that I though might be it, but after resolving those I found out the problem was being caused by the server I had setup.


    Nothing would be going wrong untill I placed the Hard Drive that had MineOS on it in the server and placed it in the rack. I tried this with other hard drives and other installs just to be sure, but only this hdd is giving me the problem. After installing MineOS on another HDD I've found that it is indeed MineOS causing the issue, but a third install minus applications reduced the problem.


    So, just a warning to others... ._. installing ALL the apps may cause you some problems. World crashing problems. Perhaps there is a file/folder threshold before these issues start, or perhaps I'm just a lucky guy and only I'm getting these issues.


    [Reference: OC v1.6.0.6 Beta4]

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