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About Je06

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  1. Point3D Point3d is a simple proof of concept program. It is design to render points in 3d space. It does this in a similar way to how opengl or directx would render. Point3d can be ran on pretty much any computer with openos, but it is recomended that a tier 2 gpu is used. It does need at least one 1.5 tier memory stick. Download pastebin get AGLr9F7Q points3d
  2. This is a duplicate post. I do not know how to delete post. The real post is https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1185-pse-protected-script-environment/
  3. The PSE will run any code you give it and will run it in it's own sandbox environment. What this means is that code will run with absolutely no functions or variables except for what you give it. This means, unless you say so, the PSE will run code without any of the lua standard functions. However, any code the PSE runs cannot affect anything other than the functions and variables you give it. I named my function by putting an underscore in between words, however, I also provided functions named in camel case that do the same thing. For example: new_sandbox() and newSandbox()
  4. The PSE will run any code you give it and will run it in it's own sandbox environment. What this means is that code will run with absolutely no functions or variables except for what you give it. This means, unless you say so, the PSE will run code without any of the lua standard functions. However, any code the PSE runs cannot affect anything other than the functions and variables you give it. I named my function by putting an underscore in between words, however, I also provided functions named in camel case that do the same thing. For example: new_sandbox() and newSandbox()
  5. I found a way!!! computer.pullSignal() works enough for my os
  6. I'm writing a custom OS for educational purposes and I'm having issues getting keyboard input. Everything completely works in OpenOS so everything is hooked up correctly. My init.lua code Here is my keyboard code I've copied the dofile function from OpenOS so it should work with my code.
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