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Posts posted by jhagrid77

  1. Legend:

    Bold = What scripts are here

    Italics = What it does/short description

    Underline = Helpful information

    Plain = My preference/other information


    If you would like any of these in a pre-made script, please comment and I will paste it onto something and provide the link.


    This is just a place for some scripts that I thought I would throw together so you wouldn't have to go around searching the entire website:

    Have you ever wanted to fix your resolution because it is too big (is that even possible) or too small well here are two scripts:

    gpu = component.gpu
    gpu.setResolution(#, #)


    os.execute("resolution # #")

    Where # is put the resolution you would like, the first is width and the second is height, or you can do.

    I prefer the first method as it won't clear the screen but it's up to you. Make sure to put it in your autorun.lua file.


    Have you ever wanted to have your hard drive mounted? Here's how:

    local fs = require("filesystem")
    local proxy = ...
    fs.mount(proxy, "/name")

    Where /name is you can put it in a folder like I do, so I would put "/Hard-Drives/Main" or something like that or you can just mount it directly to the root folder. Make sure to put this in your autorun.lua too, if you put this in extra hard drives, make sure to put it first so it will defiantly be mounted.


    More scripts to come!


    (I take no credit for these scripts as I didn't make any.)


    Scripts I have done/worked on:

    Computronics, have you wanted to play a tape and automatically stop and rewind it but wanted it all in one program? Well here it is:

    print("To stop press Ctrl + Alt + C")
    os.execute("tape.lua play")
    os.sleep(song length in seconds)
    os.execute("tape.lua stop")
    os.execute("tape.lua rewind")

    Make sure to get tape.lua from the tape drive, then put it in the same place as this file.

  2.  # Other settings that you might find useful to tweak.
      misc {
        # The maximum width of multi-block screens, in blocks.
        # See also: `maxScreenHeight`.
        maxScreenWidth: 8
        # The maximum height of multi-block screens, in blocks. This is limited to
        # avoid excessive computations for merging screens. If you really need
        # bigger screens it's probably safe to bump this quite a bit before you
        # notice anything, since at least incremental updates should be very
        # efficient (i.e. when adding/removing a single screen).
        maxScreenHeight: 6

    In the config file, you can change it, I believe I have it like 11 x 11, but anyways you can of course change it so that it fits you needs.

  3. Thanks for explaining Krutoy242! Yeah I was lazy with the reading, sorry for that... I just wanted to quickly reply so MarioBrosFTW knew people were still looking at this awesome thread!


    I managed to actually build the datacenter! Indeed I needed to upgrade the RAM of my computer because it couldn't load the datacenter.lua due to insufficient RAM.


    I removed the -42 from the Y level because I didn't understand it, so the result was a floating datacenter above water LOL. It seems the cellar starts at 42 below ground level :)


    It seems I need to update some blocks in the generated LUA data table, for example, the cables are end portal blocks, computers are bushes and the iron fences were missing in my Resonant Rise 3 modpack :-)


    Is there a way to rotate the datacenter? I want to rotate it -90 degrees.


    I'm also wondering if there is some way to print it using a drone or robot. I play full survival and my friends, who built everything by hand, cannot appreciate it probably :-)


    I'm also wondering why this setup is capable of having 64 computers... Why 64? And what's the purpose of having 64? These are probably noob questions, because I just started with OC. I still don't really see the possibilities of OC in Minecraft except a little bit of automation.


    Kind regards,


    In-game RAM or real RAM, if it was real RAM, how much did you need, as I try to build it and it freezes, so maybe I could find a script that could handle using 2GB of RAM, as I only have 4GB on my actual computer (it's a crappy laptop, ut I use to game heavily on it).

  4. Description:

      I would like someone(s) to make a map for OpenComputers



      To help people lean old and new things about OC.



      Maybe half a year

    (I assume it would take a while)


    Additional Information:

      A nice base for a Data Center and maybe a pre-built hidden one would be cool.

  5. Description:

     I think it would be cool if someone made a tutorial for making your own OS because yes there are quite a few OSes made, but some people like to specify what they want, like I want one with a GUI, but it's hard to find exactly what I want (which is kinda like say Windows XP or Ubuntu) but I don't know how to make an OS and don't like to bug people to make one for me.



      To teach people how to make their own Operating System.



      Maybe a month.

    (Depending on who does it)


    Additional Information:

      Preferable an in-depth, kinda step-by-step tutorial.

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