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Posts posted by TYKUHN2

  1. Simple function injection

    function io.stderr:write(str)
    	logFile = filesystem.open(self.path, "a")
    	return self

    Either replace self.path with a path or leave it as is and change io.stderr.path to change the path of the next error log writes.

  2. Documentation for most components can be found inside the component table (each method tostringed (printed) includes documentation and each method is inside the component table)


    As I don't have access to documentation at this moment, all I can say is test the hexadecimal color and the coordinates


    (Also don't they require syncing? Make sure they are synced to the "controller" correctly)

  3. It would probably save a few lines of code and space if you used an byte offset instead of a sector. Also it should be noted that from my tested 127 is the max number you can fit in a byte (which makes sense as it is 2^8 signed) I currently have implemented a system that uses byte offset, but it currently lacks OS compatibility information of which I will probably be using your format for.

  4. Depending on the size of the code, it can ensure using components, that it is run on the same HDD and Turtle that it was originally made for via component addresses. Also to prevent it from being read, obfuscating works, but also does string.dump() which is human unreadable and basically uneditable without destroying the code.


    If the code is small, EEPROM based coding could work but it must be under 4KiB

  5. Windows 10 should work. IIRC it works on mine. I would double check you anti-virus to make sure it isn't hyper-active or something. I'll get back when I can get my Eris to die.


    EDIT: Forgot to mention it might help to know what version your on. Different versions may distribute different Eris versions if your using something insanely old (like a modpack)

  6. Try cd / instead so if it is in root it will stay there, if it isn't it will go straight to root.


    Also avoid shell.run("rm ") because there is an API method to do it and, while yes it is miniscule, it improves performance of the script and is just good practice.

  7. You cannot because of the fact a computer cannot do anything including looking for a CPU without a CPU, and (mostly) cannot hold the idea it should be looking for a CPU without RAM.


    Also for every 1(insert unit of measurement here) of RAM the server has to give up 1(unit here) of RAM to open computers, so having 5terrahertz of CPU power is not possible (yet) if that is what your asking.

  8. I get the feeling I can take on this task


    However I don't know much about MySQL and I havn't messed with HTTP/TCP on OpenComputers as of yet so that may be the limitation.


    I read that wrong. The database can be on a computer and can be used to differ between every server it is installed on (theoretically). It can be global on a server, but would require some form of networking. Beyond that, your right, SQL or similar is needed to communicate.


    Furthermore CommandBlocks may not be required, however, how tight would you like the programs security, seeing as it appears to be a banking system.


    I have dropped this because it appears inactive.

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