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Everything posted by meigrafd

  1. Cant i do that with the RC and Process API ?
  2. But for what can the robot then have/use the redstone card? //EDIT: http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:redstone_card?s[]=redstone I've tested it and it works as expected!
  3. Hello. Is it possible to run a Program (Daemon) in the Background, listening for TCP Connections ? I read something about that its possible to have 4 threads (background tasks?) and i saw the linux like 'rc' stuff in OpenOS... The intension is to have something like a relay script: Daemon Script listens on special port for Connections; any Client-Script on same computer connects and if the Client then sends a special message the Daemon will relay it to IRC ...i want to write a Script to control something and already have a while loop - and dont want to connect&send&am
  4. Hello everyone. First: Sorry for my bad english I want to port my 'Nuclear Reactor Control' (Work in Progress) and Auto Crafting Turtle (finished) program's from ComputerCraft to the awesome OpenComputers, but wondering if its possible that Robots get Redstone-Signals from 'Thermal Sensor' ? To the background: Currently my Setup requires a 'Control Computer' which checks over the mod OpenCCsensors the Inventory of the Reactor, to monitor the Coolant/Uran cells or even if anyone is missing... Then it tells a Turtle to place a Cell to a special slot etc. Thats only a rough d
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