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Posts posted by DarkPikachu

  1. lol, I will admit, if it's uber long and from a at least semi-trusted company like Adobe (not Microsoft), I usually skip over it because it usually says what you expect it to. ;)

    but otherwise, good luck getting roped up in hidden offers, or sued for created content because of the fine print you didn't read.

  2. Who doesn't read liscenses??

    I'm sure most smart people don't want to be scammed or controlled and will double check what they download to make sure it isn't malicious.

    humor or not, what's in the liscense is a very  serious issue, and if MineOS is spyware, it should be taken with caution.
    (I've been busy with many other things and haven't had the chance to even look at the src to see if it really is spyware)

  3. yeah, I can't validate the slavery part... yet...

    but let's see him control my Minecraft while I have no internet.

    as far as the security goes though, it's only as secure as you allow your oc network to be.

    (you can't complain if you allow others to access your computer)


    at least he can't get me for redistributing his os :)

    (haven't posted my image anywhere but here)

  4. for future reference, please use spoilers...

    but if I had to guess, you're missing image files...

    did you use my image, or the online install??

    if my image, you may be dealing with the HDD resetting itself from being in a slot when copying everything over, which is why I detailed in an earlier post to drag the HDD out of the Minecraft window when copying from the archive.

    if online, your network may have a bad connection, or you're on a slow computer.

    ^both of these cause failure of the internet card on various streams (the result is not what's expected).


    I tried building an OS that loads it's contents directly from web streams (for drones) using my own file server.

    I kept getting failure to download errors because my computer lacks power.

  5. unfortunately, I'm afraid not, I'm already booked with members requesting development on my main project (UGE).

    (and have also been working on improvements for MineOS including a terminal app)

    I have been chiseling away at this though and am currently working on the entity class. :)

    but progress is slow sadly.

    thanks for the concern though :)

  6. I just realized, why is there no terminal app!? D:

    EDIT: let alone a window manager...

    good god this is about as bad as Android KitKat.


    I'll give some credit though, at least it runs, though I can't say it runs well...

    just like my main project, haha.

  7. I built my MineOS installation by hand and it works on 1.6...

    I can't install MineOS normally because internet is required...

    I had to download the repo and copy/rename everything to it's proper directories following the installer's code as instructions.

    Totally worth it, and I even redistributed an offline image as contribution to ECS's work.

  8. I would like to look into that error and fix it myself, but I got other stuff in the way atm:

    UGE, SIDE, UGESL, OCHL, my forum (plugins), and a bunch of sub-projects for all those major projects...

    I'm also working on some stuff (such as an OS) for

     OCLights, where it's screens have blitted framebuffers that can display in 24bit color, and can even display images through it's API.




  9. btw, figured out a way to do Hard Light morphs, and yes it will be an extension mod.

    the cool part is the idea won't affect Steve himself, so you can use mods like CustomSteve without issues. :)

    so the idea revolves around the movie Surrogates.

    if you haven't seen the movie, you basically lay in a bed and put on these goggles which control a robot with your mind...

    this robot can impersonate as a younger version of you or even another person.

    I think you know where this is going... so in my version, you stand in a tube and "transfer" your "consciousness" to your model.

    now some realism does take effect, you can't "eat" as your model, meaning you have to leave whenever you get hungry, or go in with Saturation, and whenever you take damage, or get hit with effects as your model, the damage/effect is inflicted on Steve, so wear your best repellent/healing armor before going in. ;)

    (magical effects though should be able to be used through the model, such as restoring hunger with the healing axe)


    also note, each model has it's own inventory, so don't expect to go in with items and be able to use them across models.


    btw nifty feature, since your model is projected and can only travel as far as the projector can cast, you can recast your model to a new location within the projector's range.


    this is all controllable via your inventory key, which brings up the virtual inventory rather than your inventory.














  10. yes, but barely, I have other major projects and a forum to manage, so really I only tackle this when I ever focus on it, being rarely...

    (this is what happens when you have an overactive mind that has too many ideas and little knowledge)

    ^ oh and being without internet for years doesn't help either...


    I'm currently still trying to learn how to create an entity, if anyone could provide an example source, I could get things working faster :)

    this phone certainly can't help me with it's limited data, and this glitchy editor makes it really hard to explain things...

    (line breaks are impossible and can't be deleted, and the cursor goes stupid and jumps all over the place when clicking on one)

    ^ what's wrong with a basic text editor and bbcode?










  11. I've been translating a few things here a there on my phone, but I wouldn't go as far as to start uploading anything any time soon on this stupid thing...

    keeping it to 1 file a time until I get some real internet. ;)

    (whenever that'll be 9_9)

    if nobody does anything before then, I'll have some treats for people ;)





  12. oh... that could be the config file... oops... :P

    I've removed the download on mega for now, I'll edit it with the new link when I rebuild and upload tomorrow... haha


    EDIT: just to note, I'm only modifying the config file, MineOS creates new entries when you first login, so it's pretty much the same image :P

    I'm not too worried about my insecure actions, as the OS doesn't do a good job of protecting the information anyways... lol

    but to add, I won't ever be stupid enough to put anything needing security on my machines to begin with... :P




  13. @LastAIif by locked you mean frozen (at the boot screen), it happens to me too, just restart the computer, it will eventually get through.

    that was the glitch I reported earlier, and yes, it happens quite often...

    I think it's due to your real computer not having enough power to run Minecraft well, wait until your FPS picks up for the best results.

    (my computer runs Minecraft at around 16 to 24 FPS, for comparison)


  14. btw @EliteClubSessions why did you not modify the search paths of the package module so you could use require() on local modules??

    I'm working on fixing up the minecode app with more than what you have in your beta source and have had to work around loading local modules using loadfile() which was a B to figure out. (the rest variable isn't always in _G which caused a few issues in building the loader)

    I did build a working loader, but the fact I had to should not be the case.



  15. you know what... screw his rule, I'm contributing to his work.

    It's not like I'm redistributing a modified version, or trying to make an income...

    no I'm trying to make people's lives easier, so I don't think he'll mind.

    it'll likely be outdated though...



    anyways, here's the link:


    this is an unmodified backup of my initial installation. I did this so I could install it on other drives without going through the grueling process again.

    @forum devs: please make it possible to edit raw text, the current editor has sucked since I started using this forum.






  16. I think it might have something to do with OC's cruddy networking that's been plaguing my NetBiOS development since I started it...

    half my files don't "load"

    and by that I mean I was working on a hot-loader which downloaded the data to RAM and attempted to load it.

    might I say, it was very sparatic and didn't work as expected...

    file not found errors everywhere, even if they loaded before...

    EDIT: even though it's tedious and annoying as F...

    I actually have to recommend manual installation, I'll rework my tutorial with every step when I'm actually on a computer. ;)

    sad because I actually had an image of what the apps folder was supposed to look like...


    I just realized, what version of lua are you guys using??

    despite my issue it might be installing correctly, but there's 2 things that might just be killing this:

    1: I get errors when I switch to lua 5.3

    my screenshot was posted using lua 5.2


    2: remember when I mentioned the drive state?

    what if OC is restoring OpenOS's operational runtime files while OpenOS is running?

    that would cause missing field errors like that.


    EDIT3: for 2, not sure if this will work, but if you're using a "Managed" drive, try switching it to "Unmanaged" and reinstall.

    if this doesn't fix the secure drive-state issue (as in files still revert back), please let me know :)

  17. oh... wasn't expecting the forum to cut off the 18 steps I had written with this phone...

    guess that's what I get for relying on the malformed standards of another forum.

    EDIT: ok, that is the full code for the cfg, the forum just cut off my warning...

    I'll use my forum next time I write instructions... :P

  18. unfortunately, I can't redistribute as it's against his license, as much as I would absolutely love to...

    hopefully he'll give me permission. :)

    I may be a hacker, but when something good comes around, I have to respect. ;)

    I can tell you what I did to install, but be warned, it's quite tedious... (just placing stuff in it's proper directories and creating links)

    format for the .lnk files is very simple, it's just an lua file that returns a string to the desired location:

    return "/MineOS/Applications/RayWalk.app"

    ^ would be nice if these functioned more like Linux . desktop launchers...

    all I did was download the MineOS repository here: https://github.com/IgorTimofeev/OpenComputers

    before doing anything related to copy/paste, first build or spawn a hard drive, and install OpenOS on it.

    now OpenComputers likes to preserve the drive as much as possible, but can't do so on an item being dragged (I had to redo everything about 3 times before figuring this out).

    if you leave the hdd in any inventory slot, OC will overwrite anything you try to change, thus breaking your manual installation. (this really sucks for me because I use external IDEs for editing lua)

    so to prevent this, just simply click (pick up) the hdd, and drag your cursor out of the window.

    to find your hdd, simply navigate to your Minecraft directory/saves/*world*/opencomputers/*hdd id*

    NOTE: the hdd id is displayed either in the item tooltip, or when you call the mount command.

    you should find your OpenOS installation there.

    now, in the repo you downloaded /Installer/installer.lua, it checks the initial requirements (which I believe could be lower), and then downloads /Applications.txt and parses it into an array, performing everything required via this array.

    NOTE: everything in quotes refers to a variable for the current entry in the Application array.

    1: if "preLoadFile" then create file /"name"

    2: create the file /MineOS/System/OS/OSSettings.cfg with this code:

    	    ["showHelpOnApplicationStart"] = true,
    	["screensaver"] = "Matrix",
    	["screensaverDelay"] = 20,
    	["language"] = "English",
    	["dockShortcuts"] = {
    	    [1] = {
    	        ["path"] = "/MineOS/Applications/AppMarket.app"
    	    [2] = {
    	        ["path"] = "/MineOS/Applications/RayWalk.app"
    	    [3] = {
    	        ["path"] = "/MineOS/Applications/Photoshop.app"
    	    [4] = {
    	        ["path"] = "/MineOS/Applications/VK.app"

  19. This post is a day late because this site kept crashing chrome on this stupid phone, but whatever...

    Don't try what you're about to see at home kids.

    Manual installation, 100% no internet!


    I'm personally amazed by the triple-buffered 3D application called "Ray Walk".

    After doing a manual CPU clock speed test of an average of slightly over 100 (250 for void worlds) TPS, I never would have thought this could have been pulled off at this level of performance.

    I'm going to work on improving image support for this, as well as non-faked (actually transformed) wallpaper support.

    (down with the .pic format, up with .tga)

    ^ I do believe this is a direct pixel format anyways...


    EDIT: btw, there's also this lockup glitch I get, fixed by restarting:


    This is Open OS 1.6 btw ;)

    EDIT: I know the picture broke... Google broke it, and I can fix it atm...

    I miss Picasa -.-*

    EDIT: fixed the image.

  20. just wanted to make a mention on your GL engine and congrat you on it :)

    you're actually using proper "Z = Depth" standards,

    rather than what soooooooooo many developers follow being "Y = Depth".

    I'm amazed by just how little code you actually have, but then again,

    it is only an extension of OpenOS, rather than what I intend to do. :P

    still, congrats on all of your work :)

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