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Everything posted by Krutoy242

  1. Oh wow, looks very fine. Can you please upload insides? Seems like you have some items inside too.
  2. Sangar and team make magnificent work on mod! You impress me, guys. OC mod already overpower СС mod, and so fast developing. Robots are like kings in comparsion with Turtles. So, i always see them like this:
  3. Well, i get it, and get table as responce for getConfiguration. But is setConfiguration is only way to control from computer, what item i can extract? Is OC have other functions or tricks, like sucking items from chests but insted, from ME?
  4. Thanks, I tryed, but still I dont get it. For example, i using docs for "getConfiguration" and it says getConfiguration function(side:number, [ slot:number]):boolean -- Get the configuration of the export bus pointing in specified direction. And when i trying to execute this, i gots only nils and errors: lua> =component.me_exportbus.getConfiguration(0) nil "no export bus" lua> =component.me_exportbus.getConfiguration(3) nil Also, me_exportbus and some other modules have fields like "slot = -1", but nothing else i can find about it. Additionally i lurked OpenPeripheral docs, b
  5. Thank you. I did this this and get a bunch of methods that i can call, but havent idea how all of them working. Even if i trying to call them, i get only errors. Where i can look at documentation for them?
  6. (sorry for bad English, im just Russian) How to extract special amount of special item by ID from ME Network? Me and two other guys working on a market, targeted to large volume transactions between players. We done half of work, but stucked on interraction with ME Network from Applied Energetics mod. Before, we used Computercraft's computers, but they have bugs with special kindes of meta data when using .extractItems() . I searched AE component documentation but dont find direct commands to do things like moving items outside of existed ME Network.
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