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Big Reactors Turbine Monitoring Help


Ok, so, I'm playing on a modpack (Tekkify) that has both Big Reactors and OpenComputers, and I'm trying to write a program that monitors a turbine I have set up after I start the program. I sadly don't know a lot about lua or OC on my own to fix this, so I'm looking to get some help possibly from people who have more know-how on with OC. I've already written up a rough mock of what I want, though it doesn't quite work as I had imagined-- it goes through the program once, prints the items I'm attempting to track to the screen once, I was using a while loop to hopefully make it check the values over and over, but it doesn't seem to be doing that.

local term = require("term")
local component = require("component")

local turbine = component.br_turbine
local tActive = turbine.getActive()
local tRPM = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getRotorSpeed()))
local tRf = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyStored()))
local tRfPt = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyProducedLastTick()))

while tActive do
  print(tRPM, " RPM")
  print(tRf, " RF Stored")
  print(tRfPt, " RF/t")

If, due to my lack of knowledge of how loops work other than them just looping, I actually did what I was hoping for wrong, please, tell me how I can fix it so I might learn for future instances. Thank you in advance!

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Ok, so, I'm playing on a modpack (Tekkify) that has both Big Reactors and OpenComputers, and I'm trying to write a program that monitors a turbine I have set up after I start the program. I sadly don't know a lot about lua or OC on my own to fix this, so I'm looking to get some help possibly from people who have more know-how on with OC. I've already written up a rough mock of what I want, though it doesn't quite work as I had imagined-- it goes through the program once, prints the items I'm attempting to track to the screen once, I was using a while loop to hopefully make it check the values over and over, but it doesn't seem to be doing that.

local tActive = turbine.getActive()

while tActive do

If, due to my lack of knowledge of how loops work other than them just looping, I actually did what I was hoping for wrong, please, tell me how I can fix it so I might learn for future instances. Thank you in advance!


The reason why it only prints once is that you end the while loop when the turbine is disabled. This of course, ends the program. If you want to keep the program running at all times yet only print info if the turbine is on, then your code should look more like this:

local term = require("term")
local component = require("component")

local turbine = component.br_turbine
local tRPM = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getRotorSpeed()))
local tRf = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyStored()))
local tRfPt = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyProducedLastTick()))

while true do --keep program running at all times
  if turbine.getActive() then --check to make sure that the turbine is on
   print(tRPM, " RPM")
   print(tRf, " RF Stored")
   print(tRfPt, " RF/t")

Happy to help. Let me know if you have any more problems.

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Thank you for pointing that out! I ah, didn't quite think to do that. Bah. But aside from that, I've come into a new problem. When I start the program now, just as you have it above, it updates it just once, showing it as it is the first time it checks it, and then loops again, but doesn't update the values of the RPM and others. I even checked by increasing and decreasing the RPM to confirm it. That is a bit of a crucial part of the monitoring, so I would like to know what is wrong if anything is. Again, thank you in advanced!

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Thank you for pointing that out! I ah, didn't quite think to do that. Bah. But aside from that, I've come into a new problem. When I start the program now, just as you have it above, it updates it just once, showing it as it is the first time it checks it, and then loops again, but doesn't update the values of the RPM and others. I even checked by increasing and decreasing the RPM to confirm it. That is a bit of a crucial part of the monitoring, so I would like to know what is wrong if anything is. Again, thank you in advanced!

To keep values updating, you need to move this part into a loop. There's a code:

local term = require("term")
local component = require("component")

local turbine = component.br_turbine
local tRPM, tRf, tRfPt                -- Not to spam with 'local' in a loop

while true do
  if turbine.getActive() then              -- If turbine IS active, then get and print out info...
    tRPM = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getRotorSpeed()))               --   Get
    tRf = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyStored()))              -- turbine
    tRfPt = math.ceil(tonumber(turbine.getEnergyProducedLastTick()))  --  info

    print(tRPM .. " RPM")
    print(tRf .. " RF Stored")
    print(tRfPt .. " RF/t")
  else              -- If not, then
    os.sleep(0.25)  -- sleep for 0.25 seconds
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