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Fluid control - request


Hello OC forum,

I’ve been trying to learn how to program in OC for a year now and its been evident for me that editing and reading code has been far more easy than actually writing it from scratch/modifying large amounts of existing code. I have a request for those willing to make the attempt or are willing to create a code for such an occasion. Back since 1.12.2, I’ve been attempting to find or make a program capable of doing the desired functions.


Fluid control and amount via GUI interface for AE/RS and Tinkers construct.


The concept that most closely matches the end goal is KaseiFR’s ae2 manager. A script which displays the current amount of a given fluid within the smelter, the ability to import or export a given fluid from the smelter, and the ability to define how much of a given fluid is imported or exported.

Nice to have functions but not strictly necessary:

Outside of this core functionality, I’d like for the program to have the ability to list alloys that can be made from the current inventory of the fluid cells and smelter, however I feel given the original request, this would be too much to request.


There is no rush regarding this, I understand it could be a large undertaking and take up a fair amount of time, I appreciate it regardless of the time frame.

Additional information:

Please feel free to reach out if there are any questions.

Thank you for taking the time to read or consider this request, if there is already a program that can do the following, I apologize for the request and ask to be pointed towards the program that already exists.

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