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    AetherNet reacted to PcStack in Web Server and Browser Program   
    This program enables you to make servers useful like IRL web servers.
    Client Minimum requirements
    network card
    internet card
    Server Minimum Requirements;
    Wireless network card 
    Configured serverside program
    Put your paste code in the server program or else it will say Hello.
    I did this cause nobody else had and I thought it would be useful
    Server paste code: B7b27pc2
    Browser paste code: vkL422Sz
    I am new to OC and this is my first program
  2. Upvote
    AetherNet reacted to Fingercomp in IRC library   
    There was no IRC library for OpenComputers, so I've made one. Here's a demo bot that uses it:
    local com = require("component") local event = require("event") local thread = require("thread") local gpu = com.gpu local irc = require("irc") local events = irc.events local env = setmetatable({ irc = irc, events = events, }, {__index = _G}) local client = irc.builder() :connection { host = "irc.esper.net:6667", throttling = { maxDelay = 2, maxThroughput = 5, }, } :auth { nickname = "oc-finger-irc", username = "fingercomp", realname = "OpenComputers IRC client library", } :bot { channels = {"#oc-finger-irc"}, tracking = { users = true, modes = true, account = true, userInfo = true, }, } :execution { threaded = true, reconnect = true, catchErrors = true, } :subscribe(events.irc.command, events.priority.high, function(self, client, evt) gpu.setForeground(0x00ff00) print("→ " .. evt.rawLine) gpu.setForeground(0xffffff) end) :subscribe(events.irc.write, events.priority.normal, function(self, client, evt) gpu.setForeground(0x00dbff) print("← " .. evt.line:gsub("[\r\n]*$", "")) gpu.setForeground(0xffffff) end) :subscribe(events.irc.message, irc.events.priority.normal, function(self, client, evt) if evt.source.nickname == "fingercomp" then if evt.message == "::quit" then evt:reply("Quitting.") evt.client:stop(("%s told me to quit."):format(evt.source.nickname)) elseif evt.message == "::spam" then evt:reply("1") evt:reply("2") evt:reply("3") evt:reply("4") evt:reply("5") elseif evt.message == "::longmsg" then local msg = {} for i = 1, 256 do if i == 128 then table.insert(msg, tostring(i) .. " ") else table.insert(msg, tostring(i)) end end evt:reply(table.concat(msg)) elseif evt.message == "::error" then (nil).test() elseif evt.message:sub(1, #"::exec ") == "::exec " then local code = evt.message:sub(#"::exec " + 1) local chunk, reason = load("return " .. code, "=irc", "t", env) if not chunk then chunk, reason = load(code, "=irc", "t", env) end if not chunk then evt:reply(("\x0304Error:\x0f %s"):format(reason)) else local result = table.pack(xpcall(chunk, debug.traceback)) local success = table.remove(result, 1) result.n = result.n - 1 for i = 1, result.n, 1 do if type(result) ~= "string" and type(result) ~= "number" and type(result) ~= "boolean" and type(result) ~= "nil" then result[i] = tostring(result[i]) else result[i] = ("%q"):format(result[i]):gsub("\\\n", "\n") end end if not success then evt:reply(("\x0304Error:\x0f %s"):format(result[1]:match("^[^\n]*"))) io.stderr:write(("%s\r\n"):format(result[1])) elseif result.n > 0 then evt:reply(table.concat(result, " ", i, result.n)) else evt:reply("\x0309Success") end end end end end) :subscribe(events.irc.ctcpRequest, irc.events.priority.normal, function(self, client, evt) if evt.ctcpCommand == "TIME" then evt:reply(os.date("%F %T")) end end) :subscribe(events.client.error, irc.events.priority.top, function(self, client, evt) print("Caught: " .. evt.traceback) evt:cancel() end) :build() local t = thread.create(function() repeat local evt = event.pull("interrupted") until evt end) env.client = client client:run() thread.waitForAny({t, client.thread}) client:stop("Quitting.") os.exit() I don't want to brag about it too much, but I think the code is pretty.
    Threaded execution. A nice API. IRCv3.2 capability negotiation. Throttling to prevent the bot from triggering anti-flood mechanisms. Tracks channel members, modes, nick changes, account names, etc. Automatically reconnects if it's disconnected from the IRC server. Splits long messages over multiple lines. The event bus can use coroutines as message handlers. Links
    The GitLab repository: https://gitlab.com/cc-ru/irc-oc Documentation: https://gitlab.com/cc-ru/irc-oc/-/wikis/home Demo programs: https://gitlab.com/cc-ru/irc-oc/snippets
  3. Upvote
    AetherNet reacted to EliteClubSessions in MineOS, operating system   
    MineOS is a GUI based operating system for the OpenComputers Minecraft mod. It has extensive customisation abilities as well as an app market to publish your creations among the OS community. For developers there is wonderful illustrated wiki with lots of code examples. List of main features:
    Multitasking Double buffered graphical user interface Language packs and software localization Multiple user profiles with password authentication Own EEPROM firmware with boot volume choose/format/rename features and Internet Recovery mode File sharing over the local network via modems Client connections to real FTP servers An internal IDE with syntax highlighting and debugger Integrated application and library App Market with the ability to publish your own scripts and programs for every MineOS user Error reporting system with the possibility to send information to developers Animations, wallpapers, screensavers, color schemes and huge customization possibilities Open source system API and detailed documentation How to install?
    The easiest way is to use default OpenOS wget script. Insert an OpenOS floppy disk to computer, insert an Internet Card, turn computer on and type the following command to install MineOS. You can use middle mouse button or insert key to paste it from cliboard:
    wget -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IgorTimofeev/MineOS/master/Installer/BIOS.lua /tmp/bios.lua && flash -q /tmp/bios.lua && reboot System requirements:
    OpenOS installed on Tier 3 HDD Internet Card Tier 3 GPU 2x Tier 3 RAM Tier 3 CPU Wiki:
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