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Posts posted by logic


    the system came out of beta, and entered prerelease, a convincing request, everyone who is not lazy to test likeOS and liked well, report bugs and errors in the topic, in the bos, too, it is possible, then other people will not have anything to read)) so it's better to get into the subject

    to understand the scope of PRERELEASE, check the commits:


    os chips

    • the shell is separate from the OS kernel, you can put only the kernel and add an autoloading script there, or you can put the liked distribution
    • multi-threading
    • multi-monitor (refer rather to the liked distribution)
    • very low RAM consumption, offset by the fact that many functions of the operating system are on the hdd and loaded only at the time of use
    • optimized functions getDeviceInfo and getKeyboards (because the OS uses them very often)
    • auto-unloading of some libraries


    • will be able to work on the t2.5 bar even with two monitors
    • , this gui distribution that uses the graphics core api to work with graphics
    • liked has dev mode for creating your own applications, to activate it, hold the up arrow
    • in the liked store there is an irc client!

    how multi-monitor works

    • the liked distribution displays the desktop only on monitors starting from level 2
    • on different monitors, the OS will work almost like different computers
    • , several video cards are not required to work, although this is desirable
    • , you will be able to run different programs on different monitors
    • , the os itself will figure out which gpu to connect to which monitor, and when to pick up

    differences between dev mode and user mode

          dev mode

    • when renaming a file, the extension does not change from the one that comes before
    • when creating a text file, it is not automatically assigned the txt extension
    • . you can assign extensions to a folder.
    • you can specify extensions when renaming a file
    • you get access to the root of the disk
    • you get the opportunity to go inside batch applications
    • you get the opportunity to edit lua scripts

          user mode

    • you can't specify extensions yourself, it is assigned automatically everywhere
    • when you rename an extension, it goes from the old name
    • . you can't change extensions.

    installing the os:

    • first you need to create an installation floppy disk by running the wget command https://raw.githubusercontent.com/igorkll/likeOS/main/installer/openOS.lua /tmp/asd -f && /tmp/asd in openOS
    • then you need to boot from a floppy disk on the device you want to put likeOS - liked on
    • , you can also boot there via the install regular openOS utility, just install the floppy disk as usual, but instead installation computer after selecting a floppy disk to boot there
    • , select online mode /offline mode (the first loads the OS from the Internet, the second from the floppy disk itself)
    • select a distribution (liked is a graphical distribution, core only is a pure likeOS that will not display anything on the monitor but just crash with the error computer halted)
    • select a disk
    • agree
    • wait
    • for the OS is installed :)


    • attention a subgroup of the thread library can lead to an increase in power consumption!
    • the OS has a very large energy consumption in general, the tablet lands for a few minutes

    recommendations liked

    • the rendering speed is very much affected by the level of the processor, and the video card, but not the monitor, so if possible, it will be better to install the t3 video card even in a tablet / computer with a second monitor, and the t3 processor

    the chips of the liked distribution

    • the ability to put an icon on any folder (create a picture with the name icon)
    • changing the desktop wallpaper
    • changing the color palette of the monitor
    • showing real time in the corner

    in the plans

    • a program for transferring files and folders between devices (partially implemented as a chat program)
    • checking for interference with system files
    • the ability to put wallpaper separately for a specific folder
    • client for ocelot online

    file system structure

    • /init.lua - initialization file, will soon contain recovery menu for restoring any device with likeOS based (if recovery menu is not disabled in the registry(registry will be added soon))
    • /system - distribution files
    • /system/core - kernel files
    • /system/autoruns - distribution startup(for scripts not requiring interaction)
    • /system/main.lua is also an auto-boot, but it is intended for programs executed in an infinite loop
    • /systen/bin - distribution programs
    • /system/lib - distribution libraries
    • /system/calls - hdd distribution functions
    • /system/core/boot,lua - os loader

    the structure of _ENV (may be difficult for beginners to understand, difficult for beginners to understand, it is not necessary to read)

    • _ENV in most situations is personal, and _G is general, hdd exceptions are functions in which _ENV and _G are one table, and the same exceptions are the desktop liked, which divides _ENV between desktops on different monitors
    • accordingly, globals created in this way (value = 2) will be personal, and such (_G.value = 2) general

    documentation (not yet complete):

    api calls

    calls.call - calling the function lying on the hdd
    calls.load - loading the function lying on the hdd
    calls.loaded - the cache of functions is not filled in itself, but can be used in some cases
    calls.paths - a table with the paths along which loading is taking place

    api package

    _G.require - connect the library
    package.loaded - library cache
    package.paths - a table with the paths along which libraries are loaded

    api graphic

    graphic.findGpu(screen) - selects the gpu for the desired screen and hooks it up, you need to look for the gpu after each interruption, since it can be "stolen"
    graphic.createWindow(screen, x, y, sizeX, sizeY):windown- creates a non-buffered window on the desired screen
    window:clear(color) - fill the window with the desired colors
    window:write(str) - write data to the window
    window:read(x, y, sizeX, background, foreground, preStr, crypto) - returns data from the window, if the input was canceled, returns true
    window:uploadEvent(EventData:table):EventData:table - loads the event into the window and returns the modified response or nil
    window:set(x, y, background, foreground, data) - write a string
    window:fill(x, y, sizeX, sizeY, background, foreground, char) - fill
    window:copy(x, y, sizeX, sizeY, offsetX, offsetY) -- copies a section of the window
    window:setCursor/window:getCursor is also there, and they control the write function

    all colors must be taken from the gui_container.colors table, otherwise their behavior will be incorrect (relevant for liked(gui_container is the main system library of liked))

  2. please do not throw the first open computers, the second one is too complicated, and it's not that anymore, release updates for the first one at least once a year and it will be fine, now I'm 15, I dream that when I turn 18, the mod will be globally updated

    1. laptops - it should be a simple but expensive device like a tablet, but it can be installed on a block without a dock (spoiler) and used both in hand and on blocks, it can be moved without turning off, it will retain its state even after re-entering the world (which, for a strange reason, the tablet does not know how)
    2. dock station - will allow you to install the tablet on the unit and allow it to connect to external components
    3. different levels of eeprom - let the standard eeprom be the second level and there will also be an eeprom 2 times less and 2 times more
    4. the import map is like in open computers 2 - with it you can upload data to the computer and the program on openOS will put it in a file
    5. level 4 components (emerald) - they should be very, very expensive and be very good, level 4 monitors will be able to stretch the picture to the full screen while the resolutions will remain too long to stretch the characters themselves
    6. security settings - with the assembler, it should be possible whether the device can be disassembled, whether it will be possible to change the eeprom through the workbench, whether the tablet disk will be determined by the computer, etc.
    7. temperature - the components should have the property of overheating they should have a temperature and they are different components in different ways to warm up and overheat at different temperatures (for example, an Internet card will get very warm and for a quick and buzy download you will have to put several Internet cards and use them very often)
    8. rawCard - will have several buffers in (depending on the level, their number and dimension will change) and which can be placed raw music data (song with words) and it will be possible to turn on and start sounds


    • animation of ventelators on computers
    • the tablet should save the states
    • of the server disk drive should have the media method
    • the built-in disk drive should be defined as a component in both computers and tablets and robots, and should contain at least the isEmpty and media method, if possible, the eject
    • computer beep should block not until the end of the beep, but only if another
    • screen is already writing, should NOT respond to the redstone signal (this greatly hinders)
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